Chapter 16 - Marbled Floors

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"You WHAT?!"

I flinched as Germany slammed his hands on the table glaring at me in the face. Russia had taken me back to the office the next day as he wanted me out of his hair. America was still at his house but had been sleeping when I passed him on the couch. Russia had said that he would take care of him for a couple of days until they could move him back to his house safely. A groan from Germany brought my attention back.

"I... I didn't mean too... I was j...just..." I began.

"Were just what?! Inviting one of the most chatty, social countries into my plan?! Do you understand what could have happened if that American found out what I was up too?! I would have been RUINED!" Germany hollered. He grabbed a journal off his desk and started scribbling in it furiously.

"But... I didn't tell him...." I whispered slightly terrified.

"Well he would have found out either way. We're lucky he fell when he did. If you had found an actual entrance, who knows how much he would have explored. Probably for the best." Germany scoffed placing some papers into a file folder.

I clicked my tongue annoyed and slightly agitated. "Don't talk about America like that..." I said softly.

Germany snapped his head towards mine. "Don't tell me what I can do and what I can't! If I want to talk shit about that American I will at my own leisure." I felt myself heat up.

"Ok Germany. I don't think you know this but America fell from a pretty big height! He's completely hurt and can't even move!" I hissed clenching my fists.

Germany turned towards me and blinked. "Well sucks to be him doesn't it?"

I opened my mouth to retaliate but closed it realizing it would have no effect whatsoever on the country. I was honestly pretty pissed. All the fics I read showed Germany as this smart, helpful and incredibly caring guy. But I guess in real life he was just a bi***.

I watched, mouth closed, as Germany shuffled around his office muttering things to himself in anger. I almost didn't want to tell him about the journal but perhaps it would have helped him calm down.

The journal was in my backpack which I had brought along. Being one of my only possessions in this world, I brought my backpack everywhere with me. It felt nice to have at least one belonging in a world where I didn't belong.

I swung my backpack over my shoulder and dug into it until my fingers rested on cold leather. Swiftly pulling the journal out, I walked over to Germany's desk and slammed it down making the country jump.

"What the he—" Germany spun around angered but stopped mid sentence seeing the journal on the table.

"Wh... What's this?" He asked walking over. He adjusted his glasses and reached for the book. I crossed my arms as he started to flip through its pages.

Germany's eyes widened and widened as he processed the information. I myself had not yet had the chance to check what the journal contained as we had left the cabin pretty much as soon as I woke up.

Germany slowly closed the journal setting it down gently.

"Where did you get this?" He asked softly a sparkle in his eye.

I rolled my eyes shrugging. "The bunker."

Germany smiled nodding slowly. "It seems if I was too hard to you. My sincerest apologies (Y/N). I should not have raised my voice."

I raised a brow as he continued.

"It seems as if you have found Carileth's diary. It's absolutely filled with notes about our world and more importantly. About the experiment." Germany grinned.

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