Chapter 10 - SOS : Save Our Spaghetti

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I stood outside a chocolate colored door staring up at multi-level building in front of me. The sky had turned a bright red spilling the streets of the town with blood covered light. I gulped nervously as Britain rung the doorbell. It was time for me to switch countries once again and I had been informed we would be going to a rather excitable country's home.

My backpack felt heavy on my shoulders as the seconds passed by; Britain took to time to adjust his hat.

"Any minute now." He said glancing down at his wrist to see the time.

As if on cue, we heard running footsteps from behind the door. They got louder and louder until finally coming to a rest on the other side. I watched as the handle twisted and the door swung open.

"Ciao Britain!" The country behind immediately greeting us with a gleaming smile. He had a familiar flag. Three vertical stripes, green, white, and red colors from left to right. He wore a white shirt with a green and red sleeve to match his flag. On his neck lay a golden brownish bandana that matched his yellow boater.

"Ah good evening Italy. (Y/N) meet Italy. He shall be taking care of you for the next day or two who knows." Britain said giving me a meaningful glance.

"Ah yes but of course! Welcome welcome (Y/N)! Come in! I have mucha planned!"

I chuckled at the Italian's strange accent. Out of all the countries I had met so far, I found his most interesting and close to home. Exchanging a quick good-bye with Britain, it was obvious that he didn't want to associate with me for longer than he had too, I walked into the home looking around.

It was quite comfy. The entrance led to a living room with a beige colored couch near the middle facing the TV on the wall. Behind it, there was a bar like platform with a couple of stools that separated the kitchen from the rest of the room. Next to that, there was a staircase leading up to what I could only assume to be the bedrooms.

"Please make yourself at home-a!" Once again, I couldn't help but chuckle at his accent.

"Is there a something wrong?" Italy asked tilting his head.

"No! Nothing at all! It's just your voice. It reminds me of Mario." I said laughing.

"UGH that wrecked Japan!" Italy said sliding onto one of the bar stools. "Making the fabulous Mario a plumber. Can you believe a this? He could have made him a bistro chef of the highest class serving gourmet meals to the Princess of the Peaches but no. The plumber had to jump through pipes to fight an ugly ninja turtle to save the princess who got kidnapped so MANY times you would believe her to have a stockholm syndrome."

I laughed at Italy's remarks as he smiled. He seemed to be a very friendly person. I had never really seen many fanfics with him and honestly I enjoyed not knowing what to expect for once.

"Well anyway. Speaking of a gourmet meal. You must be starving! Why don't you go upstairs and clean up while I cook one of my most flavourful dishes. Your room is upstairs to the left!" Italy said slowly standing up.

With a quick nod, I headed up to the room. Soon after a quick shower in the bathroom that I found connected to my room, I headed downstairs in some fresh clothes.

Downstairs a wonderful aroma had filled the air making my mouth water. I could hear Italy singing softly to himself in the kitchen as he worked. Not wanting to disturb him, I tip-toed down the stairs and into the living room.

I watched Italy work from afar chopping up ingredients and tossing up freshly kneaded dough in the air. I had an idea of where this was going.

I was just about to open my mouth to say something when something got my attention. Italy reached into his back pocket and pulled out a small bottle with a strange liquid inside. Although I couldn't read what the label said, one look at the picture of the skull and I knew something was wrong.

There must be a mistake. Italy isn't going to poison me.

I watched with caution as Italy opened the bottle and poured a couple of droplets into the marinara sauce with the same warm smile he had given me earlier.

"Oh (Y/N)... I almost feel bad for doing this to you. You seemed like a good kid. However Carileth tried to poison me... and since I couldn't get my revenge on her. I must do it a different way." Italy hummed to himself.

Taken aback, I bit my tongue sliding down to the floor out of the country's sight. Italy's accent was gone and replaced by a colder, more smooth English. Italy continued to hum a simple toon as I tiptoed back to the stairs.

I needed to get out of there. Slowly I walked back to the stairs and practically sprinted back to the room as quickly and quietly as I could.

Panicking, I looked around for something to help me. I eyed the window knowing that it would probably be a horrible idea since I was on the second floor with only concrete to break my fall.

"(Y/N)!! Dinner's ready!" Italy sang from below.

Thinking fast, I sprinted into the bathroom with my backpack and yelled back. "Yeah! I'll be down in a minute, I'm in the bathroom."

Not hearing a response I waited, ear on the door, listening.

Softly, I started to hear footsteps coming up the stairs. I held my breath as the door to my room opened. The door eventually closed and I heard footsteps trailing away outside.

It was time to leave.

Slinging my backpack over my shoulder, I exited the bathroom and slowly opened the door peering into the hallway. The coast was clear. Slowly, sneaked down the stairs stopping once as I heard a creak upstairs. Relecuantly, I continued until I was downstairs.

The aroma was now even stronger as a freshly baked pizza sat on the counter. I bit my lip as my stomach grumbled at the smell. "Not today," I said whispering. I did a small salute to the poisoned pizza and quickly walked to the front door.

"(Y/N) where are you going?"

I whipped around to see Italy standing at the base of the stairs looking terrified yet angered.

Not responding I fidgeted with the handle and Italy started to walk towards me.

"You can't leave. NOT YET! You haven't tried my pizza!" Italy's voice faltered leaking away from the accent to something much darker.

Finally the door swung open.

"Sorry Plumberman I'm out." I raced out the door just as Italy jumped forward to try and grab me. I heard him trip, missing my backpack by inches, and fall as I sprinted away into the night.

Please read the bold text at the bottom.

Hey guys! Just like I promised ANOTHER chapter! I wanted to say thanks so much for 1000 views and more than 50 likes! It means so much to me knowing that people are enjoying my story!

I need some help. This is a special chapter and since you've just run away from Italy's house, you need to decide where to go! Comment and let me know where your adventures will take you or who you would like to meet!

And as always! Thanks for reading and have a wonderful day/night/3 am!
~ Dori

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