Chapter - 1 Summary

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This is a summary about my continually arranged life, actually no it doesn't even deserve the title "life" I was treated like an object. pushed into cars, ordered to make speeches, take acting lessons so I could lie so fluently.
All I had left was my grandfather, my mother died in childbirth 15 years ago and since my father never wanted a child he quickly went after her, but tied to his roof with a rope around his neck.
Ever since I was 4 I was dressed up like a doll in puffy dresses as the only heir to the throne and I hate it. I'm not permitted to make friends with anybody except our, I mean my royal court. all the girls are stupid and are more interested in what they look like then anything else. There is no way out of this nightmare my tutors always complain about how I never pay attention to Australian history or poetry or language they say that they cannot see me as the future queen and honestly neither can I.

To love would be an awfully big adventureDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora