Chapter 65

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Author's POV 

When the King came to know about all what happened , he was really sad . He trusted Aubrielle and getting betrayed by someone close to him , made him really mad . But he was happy that he's kids ended Aubrielle's terrorism from Asylvia . After encountering with Zoba , King got really weak and his condition was unstable . 

" Your Highness.......I told you.....I told you not to go and risk your life ......I ...." The Queen sobbed while holding King's hand . " When you'll get well.....I surely gonna punish you Your can you so mean ?" She placed his hand on her cheek , shedding tears . 

" Ahhh.....why are you so worried about your super strong husband ..." The King coughed a few times before smiling at hi worried wife . " You know......I never lied you ......I know our marriage was arranged and I hurt you sometimes by saying stuff that I shouldn't say but .....I loved you ....a lot ." He whispered caressing her cheek . 

" Why are you talking like this your highness ?" She scolded closing her blue eyes . King smiled faintly . " It's not a problem to whom you loved more , we are somewhere wrong .....but I know that you loved me , I was happy for that . I don't need anything except your love ." She sniffed . 

" Thanks ...." The King smiled closing his eyes . " Please treat all my children equally , Zoba never got proper maternal love ......I don't want him to feel bad after me , he was a bastard but I love him the same way I love Hanuel and Hoseok . I don't know ......but I just want to see him happy in my absence ." He took a deep breathe . 

" Your Highness the crowned Prince , Princess and Zoba-ssi are here to meet you ." The guard announced and bowed at the Asylvian King . The older man's eyes sparkled a bit and a genuine smile crept on his lips . He nodded and gestured them to bring in . The Queen got up and stood . 

" Anneyonghaseyo Your Highness ." Three of them stood in a line , the King nodded and got up a bit with Queen's support . 

" Eomma is he doing okay ? He looks pale.....I'm...I'm worried ." Hanuel whispered as tears started forming in her eyes . Hoseok pulled her closer and patted her head , making her sob on his chest . Hanuel was closed to her family . They were her ideal parents and seeing her dad bedridden made her heart cry in agony . " Appa ...."

" He'll be fine . I believe he will ." Hanuel looked at Zoba who was standing there with a straight face , staring at their dad . " He's not a weakling Hanuel-ssi .......he's the King of Asylvia . Just a drainage of mana won't make him succumb to death . He's stronger than he looks ." He said in a monotone . 

" I'm happy that at least someone is positive in this room , while other three really wanna see me dead ." He pout a bit making Hoseok chuckle a bit . " son is laughing .....I guess my jokes are funny now ." He smiled . 

" They are worst than Jin oppa's dad jokes , Dad....I don't wanna see you dead . I want you to get healed up as soon as possible . You are the backbone of our Jung family ......what you did was for us ...." Hanuel leaned and hold her Dad's hand . " Appa you ." She whispered . 

" My kids.....I'm not going anywhere - " He coughed a bit before smiling and breathing heavily . Zoba took a deep breathe . " Besides now we have Zoba here ......Zoba ? Can we talk ? Like Dad and Son talk ?" He said with his eyes filled with hopes . 

" Mhm......sure Your Highness ." He sighed and waddled close to the King . Queen stepped back and sat on the couch . " What you wanna talk......d-da...Dad ." He stuttered as he wasn't used to with calling him Dad . 

" I know it's hard for you to adjust a different atmosphere ....with different people and different rules and regulation ." The King grabbed his hand . " Son I know what I did wasn't the best dad .....actually I never was your Dad ....but I wanna do something for you .....I wanna repent on what I did...." He coughed badly making everyone worried . 

" Please calm down can talk later with Oppa......please Dad ." Hanuel gazed at her father softly , tears threatening to fall again , she promised to herself to become strong but seeing her Dad like this , she couldn't help but cry . 

" Hana-ah.....don't cry , I'm old enough now . All my properties......I divided equally among your three ......tomorrow is the coronation day......I have made my will .....this is the most thing I can do for my children . " He ruffled Zoba's hair . Even though he never got parental love , he felt a shimmering feeling of warmth in his heart . 

A smile crept on his lips , the King's eyes widen as he saw his eldest son smiling at him , he was eager to see him happy and even that small smile felt like the brightest star in the darkest night . Hanuel stared at Zoba , she only wanted to her family get together . If this will bring smile on Zoba's lips .....she was ready do it . " Yes dad.....we won't complain on your decision ." 

Hoseok frowned a bit and gazed at his mom , her mom nodded as she knew how Hoseok felt . Even his beloved sister was getting affectionate to someone who treated them so badly . Although it wasn't Zoba's fault ...but Hoseok wasn't satisfied by what his Dad announced . Hanuel smiled at her brothers and got up . " Oppa ? What happened ?" 

" Ahhh.....nothing Hana-ah.....I'm fine ." 

But deep inside Hanuel knew.....he was not fine . 

************End Of Chapter 65 

Looks like the cold war between brothers gonna start .....but can Zoba gain his younger brother's trust ? Let's see ~ 

Thanks For Reading . See You Later In Next Chapter . 

- Charil Meng . 

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