Chapter 42

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Author's POV 

" Maybe she tricked you but....I also have something weird to tell you guys ." All looked at the figure leaning on the door frame with an expressionless face . Jin got up and gestured him to get in , Taehyung bowed and took his seat beside Namjoon . He glanced at the Wagashi sweets and then at Hoseok . 

" What is it ? Tell us what happened ?" Jimin spoke while pouring more tea for him , a maid asked to help him but he stopped her and asked her to leave . " Now tell ." He eyed the blue haired younger male while passing him the tea . Taehyung sighed nodding . 

Taehyung's Flashback 

I was on my way to the Palace when I stopped seeing beautiful jewelries at the shops . I got off my horse and walked in the store . " Ajhuma ? Anneyong .....can you show me some beautiful earrings ? " I asked while staring at the colorful jewelries . She smiled and nodded . After choosing I selected one for Hanuel and asked her to pack it up . After packing I rode to the Palace and dashed to meet Princess . 

" Hana-ah !! Hah.....Hah....Hah....Let's go to your favorite garden !! I have something to show you !! " I smiled while huffing and puffing probably because of the running . She looked at me and smirked nodding .

" Just you and me ?" She said while walking towards me , I smiled nodding . " Taehyung-ah ? Why are you so handsome ? " She said as she clinged on my arm , I blushed and looked away .

" That's in my gene ." 

" Yes it is ......I kinda have a crush on you brothers , I wish I could marry all 3 of you ." She whispered as she moved close to me . I giggled and tried to act calm . " I was joking !! HAHAHAHA where are we going Taehyungie ?" She said with a pout . I pinched her cheeks and pulled her to the garden . We sat on the grasses and looked at the waterfall . " Its so beautiful......I wanna stay here forever ." She said laying on the grasses .

I hummed and laid beside her . " By the way I have something for you , I know you gonna love it !! " I said while pulling out the packet . She laid on her chest and looked at the packet curiously . I placed it on her palm . " Tell me how's this ?" 

 " Tell me how's this ?" 

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" But- "

" Aish Taehyung , I'm sleepy .......carry me to my room . I'm so annoyed now , only a sleep can calm me down . What's wrong with you me up !! " She almost yelled , I gulped and helped her to get up . I was still suspicious about her sudden mood change , but why she was acting so different ? " Aww......don't be sad Tae ? Just buy me a diamond neck piece as my birthday gift ." She smirked . I smiled awkwardly and carried her up . 

After sending her in her room , I ran to Yoona and asked her about why she hates insects , " What ? Princess hates insects ? Never.....I can't believe it , she's an animal lover and her favorite insect is butterfly , she loves colorful and cute animals most . Why ....what happened ? " She asked confused . I waved my hands and shook head . " Oh Taehyung ? Jin was looking for you , he cooked some Wagashi and wants you in Prince Jung's meeting room ." She bowed and walked away .

I bit my lips confused and walked towards Hoseok Hyung's meeting room ....but stopped to hear Jin and Jimin's stories . I sighed and leaned on the door frame knowing that something is fishy with Hanuel . 

End Of Flashback 

" Butterflies ? Yes .....she loves butterflies !! " Hoseok stated as he slammed the table tensed . 

" H-Hyung........I also have something to tell you......Today I went a walk with Princess Hanuel , we were talking when I saw a beautiful butterfly on the flowers . I heard from Yoona noona that she loves butterflies , so I slowly hold the butterfly and gave it to her , but......" Jungkook gulped as he stopped . All eyes were on him as no one knew what happened next .

" Tell us what happened !!?" Jimin demanded unable to bear the suspense . 

" She.....she ....killed it ." 

" WHAT ???" All yelled in unison making Jungkook lower his head nodding . He was also shock when Princess smashed it in her hand , mercilessly . 

" I can't believe it......she never killed any organisms !!  What are you telling Jungkook ?" Namjoon asked totally not believing him . Princess was known for her kindness , love and soft heart , it was impossible for her to act so ruthlessly . 

" And she said that weaklings are not allowed to live......they are burden to this earth . I wasn't sure what to say .....I was just in daze pondering what's wrong with her ." Jungkook said ruffling his hair stressed . Namjoon patted his back nodding . 

" Do you think ....she's suffering from memory loss ? I mean she forgot about Jimin and also her love for Wagashi ." Jin said looking at others . Namjoon shook his head .

" Ani.....If she lost her memories then how come she remember Jungkook ? It's strange that she's kinda like Jungkook ......but I always saw her scrunch her nose and look at him in disgust ......what happened that she changed so fast ?" He said tapping his chin .

" And......she's never heartless !! She always cared of everyone in Asylvia , even small insects . She can't kill or talk something like that !! " Taehyung said as he sipped the tea . Jimin nodded in response .

" And she won't flirt like this openly !! I hate the way she talked with you both ." Jungkook pointed at Jimin and Taehyung , " What does she mean she have a crush on Kim brothers ? This is ridiculous if she's thinking to marry 3 men . Wahhh ." Jungkook pout sadly . 

" This can't be......a memory loss ......then what's this ? Body clone ?" Jimin chuckled on his own joke but other's eyes widen and they snapped their head at Jimin , surprised .

" Body Clone ??" All said in Unison making Jimin blink and look at them confused . 

***********End Of Chapter 42 

Thanks For Reading . See You Later In Next Chapter !! 

BTW I'm In Love With BTS , Crystal Song , Lost And Converse High . They Are One Of My Favorites Now !! 

- Charil Meng .

RIP Butterfly !! 

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RIP Butterfly !! 

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