Chapter 3

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Ara's POV 

Gifted . 

Yoona took a deep breathe before continuing , " You were cursed by a witch when you were in Queen Jung's womb , while walking down the street , unknowingly she offended the old witch who wasn't loved because of her looks and shabby clothes . The curse was ....' Even though you'll be the most strongest and beautiful woman , But to whom you'll love will never love you back , although he'll love you.....but you can't be together with him until your 18 th birthday, but if you won't be able to find your true love and kiss him on your 18th bday'll remain cursed forever .'"  Wow......I was already a single potato and now the curse is like cherry on top of my single life . 

I guess I'll always stay single , no matter how I look . 

" So the King sent his men to find a suitable groom for you around the whole kingdom ." She said as her brown orbs scanned my face for any reaction , I let out a deep sigh cussing under my breath . 

" True love ? First kiss ? 18th birthday ?" Damn ......why this all sounds like I'm trapped in a k-drama with a sad ending where the female MC suicides , unable to handle the grief . Excuse me ? I don't wanna die , I want to be Ara again , at least I wasn't cursed in my real life . This so typical like the fairy tales nanny used to tell . I mean 18th bday tropes aren't in trend now ......It's really like some fairytale and shits . 

" You have to.....You just have 7 months left for your birthday have to protect our kingdom from Zoba , you are our last hope .....our last star after Prince Jung . " She said smiling bitterly . I furrowed my brows as something made me confuse . 

" Zoba ? What's that ?" 

" A monster ......He's from kingdom Rylse , a secret kingdom under mountain Tokifu . It's not a kingdom but he calls it as one , He wants to kill everyone in this kingdom and marry you . He's already in love with you.....your beauty . People counts him as one of  the most merciless killer, he's black magic is very powerful . But people who saw him and are alive also claimed that he's very handsome for being a Monster ." Her tone was sad and comforting . 

I can't believe , I'm trapped here . Loveless life , a curse , no powers and now.......a handsome monster . I'm screwed up .....totally . 

" Aish....why he fall for me .....that bastard !! By the way Yoona ? You said I'm very beautiful , and King is searching for a man ......but why I'm still single ? Why he can't find any ?" I asked making her gaze at me pondering about the answer , her brown hair was perfectly styled and the yellow hanbok made her look angelic , even a maid is so beautiful .....I wonder how others look ? 

" Coz..... all are scared ." Scared ? Why ? Do I look like an octopus to them ? "And also because No one till now has defeated Hoseok , your mate must be the most powerful after you , in case to protect you from Zoba ."  I really feel guilty for wishing a adventurous life with a bit extraordinary but it's too much !! 

" Zoba , that Jerk ." I clenched my jaw and balled my fist before punching the pillows making Yoona laugh at my weird behavior . 

" Yeah , he's the guy with evil thoughts and dark powers . We always protected you from him but when you were 15 , you were kidnapped by him , but as KIM brothers were cautious and ready , they were successful to release you from his clutch , you were ill for the whole week after that encounter . Since that day more guards are assigned for your protection . " I scrunched my nose as I got chills even thinking being kidnapped by that Monster ......So scary . I really don't want to be taken away by a pedophile , that will be the last thing I want now . 

" Umm....But Kim brothers ? " I raised a brow questioning the older female . She nodded and changed the flowers in the vases . 

" Kims ? They are your bodyguards ." I rolled my eyes as that word came out of her lips , ' Bodyguard ' , I really hate them , Dad once hired a few bodyguards ....they were so strict that I couldn't evenbunk classes or roam around . The next day I threw tantrum to make myself free from them . Too tiring . 

 I chuckled and helped her to change the curtains as she was little shorter for that . She gasped and bowed me multiple times . " Wae ? What happened ?"  

" Princess you can't help me....If anyone will see you helping me , We'll be in trouble ." I sighed cussing and plopped on bed , staring at the portrait on the wall infront of me . 

" Woah

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"'s like I'm a celebrity . " I sighed as there was nothing that I can do beside sitting and watching them to work . She looked at me and blinked a bit confused . " Huh ?"

" Cele...what ?" 

I mentally facepalmed , smiling awkwardly , I shouldn't talk anything related to future in front of them .

 Looks like I came in past ......I guess a time travel ? 

******************End Of Chapter 3 

Thanks for reading , See you in next chapter till that stay safe , healthy and hydrated . 

- Charil Meng .

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