Episode 16

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Jimin's POV 

I closed my eyes and accumulated all my enegy to built my oreanda creature....My eyes were glowing and I was flying high in the sky . A white tiger jumped out and stood in front of me as I landed safely on ground . The Hemelian ruffled the Lion's fur gazing at me . I glanced at Honzai , the tiger and smiled . Slowly blue electric sparks started flowing down his body making his eyes glow electric blue . He roared as he saw his opponent , the lion . The fight won't be normal now . Both species were enemies since they were created . And Honzai never liked lions since his birth . 

I really don't what gonna happen in this clash but I really trust Honzai , that 's what a master should do

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I really don't what gonna happen in this clash but I really trust Honzai , that 's what a master should do.....Trust his creature .

Ara's POV 

Tae murmured something in his sleep , I patted his hair and caressed his cheek making him to sleep again with his head on my lap . Poor boy . " Who did this ? Who did this to my friends ? WHO ?" He yelled in anger as soon as he walked in . I hold his hand shushing him a bit . As he saw the tired kid on my lap , his gaze softened . He looked around to see two others in their sleep . A sigh escaped from his lips making me look at him helpless . That's what I was . 

Helpless . Powerless . Useless . 

" A ...A Hemelian guy did this to them your highness ." Yoona bowed to Oppa . Hoseok's eyes glowed green as he clenched his jaw and balled his fist . Oh Damn !! All are magical except me . hah !! With a blink a green mist formed around him , encircling his body like a viper . He vanished in thin air making me look here and there searching him in shock . " Anh.......He can teleport himself . I'm scared now ......Will Hoseok kill that Hemelian ? I never saw him this angry before ." I looked out of window worried . Yoona got up , " You should rest too Hanuel-ah . " She said while changing the cloth from Namjoon's forehead . 

Jungkook 's POV 

I don't wanna hurt him .

But I also can't let him hurt me . I have no option but to fight . I really regret messing with them , I'm feeling sorry for the bodyguards and now this guy . But can't help . Mianhe . 

I asked MaWang to attack his energy creature with all his strength , attacking the creature will not only make him weak but also unconscious . I pulled out my magical broad sword while he was ready with his silver katana . His aura was really powerful . Tigers are only gained if you belong to some Royal family or you are really strong . But in his case.....I think he's 

Both .

Author's POV 

Jimin's intimidating gaze was determined and fixed on his opponent . All those he trained to become the best so that he can protect his love and if today he can't fail . He don't want to . He charged at Jungkook with his sword swinging . Jungkook blocked it and tried to push him away but Jimin wasn't really easy to defeat . He was in the 2nd tier of his training , just a few steps away for being in 1st tier . 

They both glared each other trying to make their sword fall but no one gave up . Jimin groaned as Jungkook's strikes became  more fierce and strong . The hatred boiled in him , he never liked any Hemelians because of his past and now he really had an urge to pierce his heart with his shiny silver sword made by master Wung Xi , the shadow sword fighter . 

Jungkook tightened his grip on his sword as he blocked every attack that came from Jimin . He knew that Jimin won't give up , so he too . Jungkook felt sweat bead up on his neck and drip down his arm . He pushed Jimin away growling . 

Both of the men were swift and highly skilled . No one was giving up which made them annoy more . " Give up and surrender !! " Jimin whispered in his low tone showing how serious he was . Jungkook shook his head lashing his sword at him . Jimin lost his balance and rolled down the ground . 

Jungkook was breathing heavily . He examined their creatures fighting up in the sky , Honzai was strong but Ma Wang was stronger. The whole sky was grumbling as they were fighting . Jungkook looked up as he placed his hand on his heart . One thing he knew was ....Ma Wang was injured . 

The lion roared as Honzai's paw scratched his face . Honzai walked in circles and slowly there were 8 white tigers circling the lion making it confuse . Ma Wang was alert as he knew that only one of them was real and others were illusion . He squint his eyes and focused on his prey growling loudly . Ma Wang charged towards the white tiger but went through it , as he turned the tiger was behind him . Before he could do anything he was thrown away . 

Jungkook bit his lips , mentally soothing his creature . While he was busy , Jimin got up and ran towards him . He looked back at Jimin and cursed under his breath . He rolled on ground dodging Jimin's strikes . Jimin yelled in anger as Jungkook shielded himself . Jimin's aim was to knock down the younger male's sword which wasn't that easy .

Jungkook pushed Jimin's blade with all his strength . Jimin's nose was already bleeding while Jungkook's head was aching . Both of them overused their powers but still nobody wanted to give up . Jungkook kicked Jimin's knee making him stumble back , this made Jimin mad . 

Jungkook didn't stopped there he began to swing his sword towards Jimin repeatedly , knocking his sword off his grip . Jimin looked at the tall figure in front of him . He got up with all his strength . He ran towards Jungkook who threw his sword away and took position to tackle the older male . 

They started to fight bare handed , their martial skills were also of top level . But they stopped when they head a loud crash on the ground . Jimin squinted his eyes to see what happened while Jungkook did the same when they realized what it was .

Ma Wang was on top of the badly bleeding Honzai who was bleeding heavily . 

***********End Of Chapter 16 

A/N : 

Ma Wang : The Lion , Oreanda Creature Of Jungkook . Mabeob + Wang = Ma Wang .

Oreanda : Energy / Tier / Power 

Mabeob : Magical ; Wang : King , So Basically It Means ' A Magical King ' That's What Jungkook Calls He's Creature . 

While Honzai Means ' Sweet Poisoned Again ' Actually It's HondogZai But In Short It's Honzai . There's  A Story Why Jimin Named His Creature In This Way , We'll Know About It Later . 

8888 ...8888

Who's Animal Do You Liked The Most ? BTW They Also Resembles Their Master's Personality . We'll Know About It In Future ; ) 

Thanks For Reading . And Sorry Guys , I Tried My Best To Write The Action Scenes , I'm Really Never In Fighting Scenes , This Is My First Time . Please Bear Me O.O

See You Next Time ^ ^ 

- Charil Meng .

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