Chapter 41

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Zoba's POV 

" 4 days Azure......just 4 days left for Asylvians to enjoy and smile because the 5th day they have to bow in front of their new King.....and that's me !! " I laughed while sipping black wine . Black wine is made from the purest black grapes enchanted and then fermented in the jar of dark spirits where it gains it's black color . It maybe tastes bitter but when It triggers , It can make you drunk within a few sips . Only a few people can resist it . It's smooth and rich taste makes it rare . 

Also rare because .....I'm the only one who makes this expensive black wine . 

" M-master ? I brought food for everyone ." 

I put on my mask and turned to Minhyuk , my loyal rat , " Keep it on the table and what's the news from Palace and Jungs ? Are they happy ? Enjoying their last days hmm ?" I said feeding Azure with some sweet spinach leaves . Minhyuk shook his head .

" Master ? They aren't allowing soldiers to roam around a lot , we are asked to guard the palace while the best guards are arranged to guard Princess's room. The 6 powers are all alert knowing that it's only 4 days left . Prince Hoseok asked us to train for the coming war . I guess they sensed it . Prince Jimin is also training his best loyal guards to tackle you down ."

" In his dreams . Do he think he can defeat me ? I'll soon kill the Princess and suck her powers , then I'll surely rule over the 4 Kingdoms !! " I grinned while patting Azure's head . " You.....take good care of your identity .......If you'll be revealed......I'll kill you with my own hands . " I growled making him tremble shaking his head .

" Mercy King , Mercy......I won't let anyone know about me but Leela...."

" What Leela ? What that succubus did now ?" I groaned knowing that she's just useless . Can't she even act as this 17years bratty Princess ? I'll ruin her whole family If she'll mess up my plans !! 

" Master , she's not acting like Princess , although no one noticed it yet but I'm sure Prince Jung will point it out soon . If you say I'll send a crow to her ......maybe- " I turned to him and shook my head .

" Don't . It's only 4 days , just let her act for a bit more.......After that I'll punish her myself . I can't take any risk now , If Hoseok or Jimin will catch the crow in the palace they'll be more alert and worse.......they'll come to know about my hideouts and plans . Let's go how It's going ." I rolled my eyes and poked the hot roasted duck . " You can leave ." I ordered while sitting on my throne . 

All those years I just sat on this rundown throne , but after 4 days I'll be sitting on the throne , the royal throne Hahahaha........Uhh ? I turned as I heard something shuffling . A smirk crept on my lips as I heard the grumbles . " Don't hide like cowards , If you are hungry just ask.....after all you'll die soon.......I don't want your soul to haunt me ."

" Excuse me what ? What do you mean by I gonna haunt you ? And to whom you called coward ?" She glared me and leaned on the wall , cross arming on her chest . I scoffed and pushed the platter towards her . " A roasted duck ? Is this poisoned ? I'm no- "

" I said I won't kill you until your 18th birthday . Go and share that with that old gilt . I don't care what you think about me . Scram !! " I sat on the throne waiting for her to leave . She really knows how to stomp on my nerves . She stood there at the same position . Damn . " Will you leave ? I said scram away !! " 

" Why would I ? I'm just standing here ......I'm not even looking at you ." She said grumpily . What do you mean you are just standing here ? Because of you I can't even eat you idiot !! 

I turned to Azure who snort on my gesture . " Good bye Princess Hanuel ." I waved smiling although she can't see it . Idiot . Azure carried her or can say dragged her downstairs . I hope Azure won't bite her . Hahahaha . 

Ara's POV 

" AHHHHHHHHHH !! Don't eat me , don't eat me !! " I yelled as the blue dragon bit my cloth and dragged me downstairs back in that underground cave . Ohh this sucks . I looked at the dragon while It fly back . I sighed and sat beside Aubrielle . " Ajhuma ? Why he's so cold hearted ? " I asked with a pout . I can't believe Hoseok and Yoongi are brothers  although steps but still I don't think Auntie Min was cold , she was soft and beautiful . Why this dude is a meanie ?? 

" Enjoyed time with brother ?" 

" Enjoy ? Haha are you kidding me Ajhuma ? He's a beast . No one can change his.....what he said ? Oh yeah , his stone heart . So I just hate him . Wait know he's my brother ? Since when ?" I asked all surprised .

" Umm.....since the beginning . Sorry , I just wanted him to tell you . Hanuel-ah ? Good souls can surely change a evil one ........just try . I'm sure you can change your brother into a good man and stop all this mess . He needs love , care and warmth that he lack since childhood . Give him some love , he won't bite ." She said while trying to get up . 

Azure came back with the platter of roasted duck and placed it infront of me before flying away . " I thought he was kidding man ." I sniffed , It smelled delicious . Why he let me eat it ? Isn't that he's lunch ? Who cares , I'm hungry . I grabbed the duck and took a bite . " Daebak !! It's still hot ." I smiled as my cheeks heat up due to it's warmth . " Wanna try Ajhuma ?" I asked moving a small piece near her mouth . 

" Arrasso....." 

" Ajhuma ? Don't you have anyone to rescue you ? No family ?" I asked seeing how she suffered here for 10 long years . She chuckled saying , " NO" . I sighed and washed my hands . I was full eating half of that duck , It was super delicious . I wonder who cooked it ? 

" I had a son , but he got killed by some bandits , since then I was alone and when Zoba was 15 , he kidnapped me so that I can foretell him but as soon as I failed he locked me up ......but It's not that bad , he always gave me company , fed me and also talked with me . It was better than staying alone after all ." She smiled weakly .

" Ajhuma ? Don't worry , I trust my loved ones , they'll surely come to save me.........and when they'll save me , I promise I'll take you with me , I'll not let you die here all alone . I promise .

*********End Of Chapter  41 

Thanks For Reading . See Ya' Good Night ^ ^ 

- Charil Meng . 

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