Chapter 45

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Ara's POV 

I groaned as I heard footsteps coming towards me , I fluttered open my eyes to see a figure infront of me , " Hey.......Gwenchana ? I'm here to save you......come on.....give me a hand , we don't have much time !! " The voiced echoed making me smile softly .

At last .....At last I'll be saved . 

" But who are you ?" I asked as he helped me up , for some reason my vision was blurry and I couldn't see his face . He didn't replied but pulled out something shinny , I gasped as the cold metal pierced through my chest . Blood slowly started dripping down my heart . " Who....Who are you......ahhhhh ." I fall on my knees , trembling in pain while that man chuckled wiping the blood stained katana . 

" Who am I ? Hahahaha how silly little Princess......I'm ....your DEATH !! " And with that he stabbed me the last time making me puke out blood . " HAHAHAHA , Good bye Princess........Ara ."

" What.....What was that ." I jolt up breathing heavily and looked around to see Zoba hugging me with a woods burning near us , he groaned as I tried to push him away but what shocked me more was Ajhuma walking towards me with a cup . 

Who set her free ?   

" Looks like you woke up , you were burning when Zoba came to see you and your pulse rate was low , this man had no option but to free me for sometime . Oh.....he's already asleep ? " She smiled and handed me the cup , " Looks like you are suffering from utherdal cold frost , It gives fever , chills , headache , body pain and nightmares . " She sat beside me and patted my head .

" Uhh.....but why he was hugging me ? Is this a new technique to kill me ? " I scoot away from him as he woke up . 

" Erm......" He shook his head and looked up at us , " Oh.....this troublemaker is already awake huh ? Thank god I saved you from dying.....otherwise you made all plans to ruin my plans Isn't It ?" He scoffed and got up , he's mask was still on his face , no doubt he loves being a secret , a mystery but can't deny somewhere there's a warm corner in his ice cold heart .

" Thanks ." I smiled .

" Don't thank me and smile like that .....It makes me urge to strangle you ." He looked away , " I'll send some warm clothes and food .....hey old woman ? Make sure she survive because you can't die Princess Jung......only I'm the one who can kill you ." He dead panned still his back facing us . 

" Still thanks for saving me........oppa ." I smiled and sipped the medicinal drink , he turned with his eyes glowing brightly , I gasped as he kicked the cup away and grabbed me by my collar . 

" Don't act.......DON'T FUCKING ACT SO GOOD !! You will die.....I'll kill you no matter what and also kill your family .....then I'll you'll smile ." He growled on my face , Ajhuma ran to us and tried to free me but Zoba pushed her away and pinned me on the wall , chocking me badly . " I hate....I hate when someone treats me nicely ." He shoved me away and teleported away .

I fall on my knees coughing and crying badly before I could speak anything I black out . 

Yoongi's POV 

" No one can treat me nicely !! I DON'T LIKE IT.......Everything is fake , everyone is fake , selfish and befriend others when they need help , what she thinks ? She can change my plans ? Never !! " I looked at the night sky and sighed . 

Maybe I was a little harsh on her ?

What am I even thinking ? Zoba !! You don't have much time , get take your revenge , make all the Jungs suffer , I'll spare no one .......and I'll start from Hanuel . 

I placed the mask on the rock and looked at my reflection in the water and then sighed looking up , I don't like to show my face because It resembles King Jung .......I don't wanna be like him , I don't want to be related to him . 

" 2 Days

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" 2 Days.......The day will come soon.....when I'll laugh and they'll cry.....the day will come when my sufferings will come to an end.....the day I'll walk out of this cave and enjoy the sunlight like all others , now there's no looking back , no guilt regret !! " I laughed while putting my mask back . " Asylvia.......will celebrate for their new King ." 

Taehyung's POV 

" Sorry you can't go......I won't allow you to leave this palace ." I glared him while slowly walking towards him , " What do you think ? Why we chose you as  a Prince ? Because you are one of the people with powerful oreanda , Asylvia needs you ......we can't let Zoba win our army will be sweeped away by his powers , Hoseok Hyung and Jimin Hyung are the one who can fight him and you are the strongest among them ."

" But Princess ?" He asked a bit worried . I sighed and sat on the bench . 

" You just take care of Asylvia , I'll try my best to search Princess and bring her back .....before Zoba can do anything ........I just have to locate where Princess is ......" I said and looked up at the sky , " Go back , It gonna rain ......and also stay away from that clone Princess .....don't let her know that we are suspecting , Nae ?" I eyed the red head making him nod and ran away .

I shook my head in disbelief and placed my knives back in the scabbards when I heard the sound of a unique whistle . I pulled out my katana and stood there all alert . A woman jumped in front of me and bowed , her eyes glowed yellow making me smirk and gesture her to get up .

 A woman jumped in front of me and bowed , her eyes glowed yellow making me smirk and gesture her to get up

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She got up and pulled out a scroll , " Third master , this is sent from the outskirts of Asylvia......we......I think we got some clues from the city Illaria , someone saw one of our third tier guard doing something suspicious . This is his sketch ." She handed it to me . I sighed and opened it . " I think he's a informer of Zoba and is a traitor ." 

" Don't worry Kayla.......leave everything on me , and prepare my journey to Illaria by tomorrow , If this news is true.......then we don't have much time ." She nodded at my order and walked away . I smirked and burnt the scroll in the lantern . " We don't really admire the sketches of dead people ." 

Hanuel-ah ? Don't worry.........I'll be there soon , just give me some time ....I'll bring you back here.....It's my promise to you . 

***************End Of Chapter 45 

Thanks For Reading . See You Later In Next Chapter .

- Charil Meng . 

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