Chapter 60

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Author's POV 

" I won't let anyone .....kill him . "  

Everyone was shocked to see Ara's stern face . She looked at Jimin , who was staring at his ex girlfriend as if she was a ghost . The tiger disappeared from top of Jimin's chest . " Wae ? Do you know what are you talking about Hana-ah ? He.....this bastard almost wrecked our beautiful kingdom .....he killed so many innocent men .....he even kidnapped you and now .....see what he did to Taehyung .....and still you wanna spare him ?" Hoseok growled at his sister .

" We aren't like him......I want to give him a chance .....a chance to be with us an Asylvian ." Ara gazed at his step brother crawling on the ground , blood soiling the ground and his clothes . 

" Never .....I'LL NEVER BECOME AN ASYLVIAN !! I'll never become like ....your Dad !! I'll never forgive what ..." He coughed out blood and chuckled evilly wiping it . " I'll never forget what he did to me and my mother !! " 

" Why ? What I did to your mother ? Is this the reason why you created this huge crisis to our Kingdom ? Just for this silly reason ?" Everyone gasped seeing the King walking towards them . Zoba's eyes widen , he clenched his fist and tried to get up but Jungkook kicked him away . 

" Dad ? Why are you here ?" Ara asked confused , she stood there frozen , she knew now Zoba will hurt her Dad and she can't risk his life , " Dad just go !! You are not needed here ......Oppa say something  - " She looked at Hoseok worried . 

" Calm down .....Dad is fine .....he just wants some answer from this man.....hey ? Who are you ? " The King shifted his gaze from his beloved daughter and glared Zoba . He got up and looked at the King's face .

He slowly looked up , their eyes met . King was shocked when he saw his beautiful face and the familiar feline eyes , the eyes that attracted him and made him fall in love......

With her .

" G-G...Gayoon ? " He whispered , Hoseok frowned and stood beside Ara who was looking terrified . " are Gayoon's .....Min Gayoon....what....." He grabbed his throbbing heart as tears rolled down his eyes . " You are my son.....MY SON ?" 

" Although I hated to say.....but yes.....I am you son ? " He whispered , " And I want revenge.....those 23 years I struggled .....I was alone and you lived so happily ....YOU NEVER BOTHERED TO FIND ME AND MOM , How can you call yourself my are a monster ." 

" ZOBA ? You Bastard !! How dare you - " Hoseok fumed in anger , no one insulted his Dad , the King ever and that illegitimate son .....he can't bear it . He was about to hit Zoba but King pushed him away . 

" No....Hoseok ....Lemme talk ." He sighed and stepped towards Zoba but he chanted spells to create a protective layer around him . " I won't harm you.....I will never . Please listen to me ." He begged but Zoba wasn't in a mood to have small talk .

" I will end you ....I will end the Jung family , I WILL END YOU ALL !! " Zoba yelled as he's energy shield vanished .

" That easily ? Now....Now....Big don't know with whom you messed !! Jimin ? " Hoseok glanced at the silver haired male who grabbed his sword and nodded , " Jungkook ?" The Hemelian pulled out his swords and smirked .

" Totally by your side hyung ." 

" Hanuel ? .....Hanuel ??? " Hoseok looked at the stiffed girl who was staring at her feet . " Wae ?" 

" Oppa ? He....I...." She let her tears fall , " I won't kill him.....but I won't let him touch those whom I love ......Zoba ? You asked for it ." She glared at the older male and with a snap her black tiger jumped out . " Ready ....HimLangi ?" The tiger roared and eyed Zoba . 

Hoseok , Jungkook and Jimin smiled and took position infront of  the Asylvian King . " I am sorry Zoba ......I always tried to search Gayoon ....and I never knew she was pregnant .....I know I was wrong but hands were tied up , My dad would have killed Gayoon ......I had no option but to marry Hoseok's mother . Please.....son....please forgive me ." 

" Dad - " Hoseok gripped on his sword tightly . " YOU FILTHY ASSHOLE !! Ahhh !! " Hoseok strike at Zoba who used his energy shield . " What do you want ? TELL ME !! "

" I.....I WANT EVERYTHING THAT YOU HAVE !! I wanna.....I wanna see you cry .....Father . I wanna make you feel how it feels to be left alone won't understand how I grew up with strangers , begged for food , cried for mother I I became...a monster . BUT I WILL TRY TO GIVE YOU A TASTE OF THAT PAIN !! " 

Hoseok gasped as Zoba attacked making him off-guard , two of them started fighting and of course Prince Hoseok was highly skilled but Zoba's mana was really powerful . Hoseok dodged his strike and blocked it . 

Jimin flipped his soft hair before running towards Zoba , " HEXA BLAST !! " before Jimin could attack Zoba , he got hurt by a powerful blast . Ara's heart skipped a beat seeing Jimin's body thrown away on the rocks . Jungkook's blood started boiling , he was already hot tempered and the way Zoba threw Jimin made him more mad .

Hoseok stepped back to grasp air and breathe , blood was slowly dripping down his nose , he groaned and sat there to gain some energy . Soon Jungkook also got tired and was defeated , getting a broken arm . 

" Jungkook No !! " Before Ara could help him , her Dad pulled out his sword and started marching towards Zoba , Ara was shocked . " Dad....? Dad what are you doing ?" She started running towards her Dad  but ....

" OMNIUS FREEZE !! " Zoba smirked as everyone freeze at the position temporarily , he licked his bleeding lips and took a deep breathe

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" OMNIUS FREEZE !! " Zoba smirked as everyone freeze at the position temporarily , he licked his bleeding lips and took a deep breathe . " Now we are even to have a perfect Brawl ......Isn't it ....Dad ?" He smirked stepping towards his father . 

" Let's .....fight ...fair and square . Just me ...and you ." 

************End Of Chapter 60 

Thanks For Reading . See You Later In Next Chapter .

- Charil Meng . 

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