Book 2: Chapter 1: The General Is Crazy (Maybe I Am, Too)

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I LIVVVVEEEE! Bet you guys thought you saw the last of me, but here I am, anxious and ready because I haven't completed writing the entire book and I'm still posting this fucking chapter. It's a teaser, I guess because this is gonna have slow updates.

I'm so fucking nervous about the book, god help me. 

There's mentions of bisexuality but it's minimum.



The only thing that distracted (Y/n) from the silent sobbing into her pillow is the sudden gasp from Aang in his hammock. She wipes at her sensitive red-rimmed eyes and swallows roughly, trying to block out Yue's face. Her eyes adjust to the darkness as she watches Aang breathe heavily, seated upright in his hammock before he jumps down and climbs the ladder up to the deck of the ship.

They have been traveling for over a week now, and it's taking a toll on (Y/n). She barely slept because of guilt, and when she did happen to fall asleep, the heavy rocking of the ship always jolts her awake and she would think she was back in Zuko's ship, freezing to death until she counted out her fingers—all nine of them.

And then she would stay awake and cry over Yue.

Her limbs are heavy, and as Katara went after Aang, (Y/n) decides that she needed comfort. So, in her daze, she slips out of the hammock and loses her balance, falling to the ground with a thud that hurts her knees. She grimaces and pulls herself up, rubbing her eyes before locating him in the dark.

She takes one step forward before the ship lurches and she tumbles, landing in Aang's hammock with such force that she spins in the cloth, a yelp escaping her.

Sokka yawns loudly from across the room. "Could you be any louder? Can't a guy get some sleep here?" His voice is husky, and his untied hair falls over his eyes. He sits up and notices the room is empty before he spots a disheveled (Y/n) prying herself out of the hammock cloth. "Where'd everyone go?"

(Y/n) straightened herself out and sighs. "Aang's not feeling well."

"Katara went after him?" Sokka sees her nod and he almost laughs at her clumsy situation. Almost, because clumsy and (Y/n) definitely didn't go together. She is one of the most careful-footed people he has ever met. "What happened?"

(Y/n) walks to him, suddenly apprehensive of the idea, but sleep is still the most important thing to her. "Can I sleep next to you?"

Sokka splutters, but the closer she came, the more he noticed. She looks weary, eyes downcast and glossy, so without a word, he scoots aside and lets her drop in. "Wanna talk about it?"

(Y/n) nestles against him, letting him pull his wool blanket over her and holding her until she gets warmer. She shakes her head. "Just tired."

Sokka plays with her hand in the darkness, his thumb running over the stump of her finger before he laughs out. "All this time I've been calling you Pinky when I could've called you Stumpy."

He expects a punch or a laugh from her, but the only thing he receives is a soft snore. She was curled up like a cat against him, her head beside his. Sokka grins, stroking her hand. "I can laugh at that joke again tomorrow."


The next morning is when they have to leave the ship. (Y/n) woke up to a Sokka hogging the blanket and smothering her with his arm, and when she pushes him off her, she only hears mumbling before he turns over and snores.

(Y/n) also feels the most refreshed she has in days. She didn't know what sort of power Sokka has but sleeping beside him was the homeliest thing she has experienced in this universe, and though she'd come to her senses and felt utterly horrified, (Y/n) realizes she liked it. She liked being near Sokka, and her immense amount of guilt for aiding in the death of his girlfriend fought her happiness.

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