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The next morning I felt cold, I opened my eyes to see the bed was empty, I sat up and saw Levi getting dressed. I sighed and followed suit. I pulled off my shirt and shorts, I reached for my clothes but was pulled back. Levi pulled me against him and I laughed lightly.

“It’s not fair to me if you parade around in your underwear (L/N).” He whispered, his lips grazing the sensitive skin on my neck making me shiver. I sighed and turned around so I was facing him.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about, I’m just getting dressed.” I smirked and leaned in and gave a quick nip on his neck before pulling away. He let out a low growl, I smirked and grabbed my clothes quickly pulling them on. I finished my straps and pulled my hair into a ponytail and headed for the door. Again I was pulled back, Levi turned me around and pulled me against him forcefully. His grip around my waist was tight, then he kissed me forcefully. I kissed him back with the same amount of force and wrapped my arms around him. I moaned into the kiss and he nibbled on my bottom lip before pulling away.

“Don’t be late tonight (F/N).” I nodded and he gave me a gentle kiss before heading to the door.

“Wait a few minutes after I leave to make sure nobody’s around to see you leave my room.” I nodded and he walked out the door. I did what he said and waited a few minutes, I put my ear to the door and listened if anyone was around. I didn’t hear anything and slowly opened the door to take a quick look around, no one, good. I quickly stepped out and made my way down to the dining hall. I headed in and took a seat next to Reese, she smiled at me with a mouth full of eggs and I laughed.

“Morning Reese, how you doing?” I grabbed a bread roll and took a bite out of it.

“Pretty good, but stay away from Hanji, she’s acting crazier than usual.” Reese rolled her eyes and I felt panic beginning to build up, but I refused to let it show.

“What do you mean? Isn’t she always acting crazy?” I asked, hoping Hanji hasn’t said anything to anybody.

“She’s literally skipping around the halls giggling like an idiot, she has this creepy smile plastered onto her face. When we asked her about it all she said was she made an interesting discovery last night.” I nearly swallowed my tongue, shit Hanji… god please keep your mouth shut!

“(F/N) are you okay? You look like you’re going to be sick?” Reese looked at me worriedly and I shook off the uneasy feeling.

“Yeah I’m fine, I just didn’t get much sleep last night.” I lied to her, she nodded and patted me on the back with a kind smile. I wish I could talk to her about me and Levi, it’s hard not to be able to talk about your relationship with your friend.

Zeffer walked in with a loud yawn and sat down next to Reese, he smiled sweetly at her and she smiled back blushing. I leaned in to her so he wouldn’t hear me.

“So I take it you haven’t talked to him yet?” I whispered, she shot me a look and looked to make sure Zeffer wasn’t listening.

“No! And don’t say anything! Do you want him to hear us?” She hissed at me.

“Did you say something Reese?” Zeffer asked, Reese sat up and plastered on a fake smile.

“Nothing, just eating.” He scoffed and rolled his eyes.

“What else is new?” He chuckled and she lightly shoved him.

“Shut up!” They laughed and it took all I had not to tell yell at them to just kiss already.

“Oi, get going brats, it’s cleaning day.” Levi marched in wearing a bandana on his head and around his mouth.

“Zahn, (L/N), You two are doing windows.”

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