There’s absolutely nothing to fucking do. I walked around the halls just passing the time until dinner was ready, I’d already been to the stables and training grounds, but still nothing to do. I groaned loudly and trudged down the hall. That is until I heard screaming.

“SHIT FUCK ME!” I froze in place as squad leader Hanji turned around the corner running at full speed.

“Squad leader are you okay?” She continues to run at full speed and screeches to a stop.

“Oh, cadet (L/N)! I am now, here I order you take this!” She shoves a feather duster in my face and runs right past me, cackling like a maniac.

“What the fuck Squad Leader!” I yell after her, it might not be the best way to talk to a Squad leader but she was fucking crazy. I looked down at the duster confused, I turned it over in my hands looking for anything special about it. Why would she order me to take this?

“YOU! Cadet! Stay right where you are!” I turned at the loud yelling to see Corporal Rivaille marching toward me looking more than pissed off.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing with my duster?” He snarled getting closer to me.

Hanji…. I looked down at the duster and back at him in shock.

“Oh, no no Corporal I can explain.” He clicks his tongue in annoyance and continues to glare at me. Oh shit.

Without thinking I threw the duster at him hitting him square in the face, if I wasn’t so terrified I would have laughed at his expression, but I didn’t want to waste any time and turned and sprinted down the hall as fast as I could.

“Get back here you little shit!” I heard his steps pounding behind me, oh fuck me! I forced my legs to go faster. I didn’t even know where I was going, I was just letting my terror drive me, then I was met with the doors to the dining hall. I didn’t even think and bursted through them, drawing all eyes to me. It was dinner, great…

“(L/N)!” I yelped and booked through the tables, getting strange looks from the rest of the cadets. Corporal bursted through the doors looking around until he spotted me. I kept running through the tables trying to evade him, but the shorty was freaking fast! Until he had me trapped on one side of the table, I went to one side he would go the same way.

“Would you just let me explain!?” I yelled at him trying go around the table.

“Bullshit! You’re the one who’s been breaking into my office stealing my supplies! I caught you with the fucking feather duster!” I groaned and looked around for an escape, I saw a bowl full of bread rolls on the table and grabbed one of them, chucking it as hard as I could at him. While he dodged the flying bread I jumped onto the table running right towards him, I leapt over him onto the next table. I jumped from table to table, squishing people‘s food in the process with my boots.

“Damn it will you stop throwing shit at me!” I was panting as I jumped off the last table and out the dining hall.

I heard laughing and a lot of cheering coming from behind me.

“Go (F/N)!” I couldn’t help but smirk a little, until I heard the corporals steps behind me again. I turned a corner and noticed an open window, I took the advantage and dove out it, landing painfully in a shrub.

“Owww.” I groaned. I sat utterly still, until I saw Rivaille run past the window. I let out a sigh of relief and got up out of the stupid bush. I groaned and thought about what I just did.

Oh god, I’m gonna be on cleaning duty for a year, at least I’ve lost him for now, but I am in a shitload of trouble. I looked in the window to see if the corporal had decided to make a turn around, all clear. I hoisted myself through the window, only to lose my grip and slip and fall flat on my face. I groaned loudly and picked myself back up.

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