I woke up to the smell of lavender, and curled up in the sheets. What the hell happened? I opened my eyes and my vision was blurry, it started to clear up, and I realized I wasn’t in my room. I sat up and looked around, I heard running water and… humming? I got up and threw the sheets off of me, only to realize I was only in my tank top and underwear.

“What happened to my pants!” I hissed throwing the sheets over my exposed legs. I listened more intently to the humming. Who was it? It was deep and nice, wait… was that Levi! Then the water shut off, shit what do I do? I quickly laid back down and covered myself with the sheet, I peeked out just in time to see Levi exit the bathroom in just a towel, holy shit. I blushed furiously and tried to look away, but couldn’t.

“You can come out from under the covers (L/N), I know you’re awake.” Levi said simply, I froze, and slowly pulled the covers from my face.

“Morning?” I asked him confused. He clicked his tongue and grabbed some fresh clothes and threw them at me.

“I grabbed you some fresh clothes, you can use my shower.” He turned and walked to his dresser to get his own clothes, I took a moment to stare at him. Then quickly made my way into his bathroom before he could see me in my underwear. I took a quick shower, rinsing off the alcohol stench, what the hell even happened last night?

I got out and dried off, and quickly got dressed. I walked out and saw Levi standing next to his bed, with his arms crossed.

“We need to talk.” Fear gripped at me and I nodded, he sat on his bed and I sat next to him hesitantly.

“I think there’s more to your past than your record says.” He looked at me dead serious, and the familiar feeling of despair settled over my heart.

“What are you talking about?” I asked trying to play it off, hoping he doesn’t mean what I think he means.

“You know exactly what I’m talking about (F/N).” I froze at hearing him use my first name. “I found you last night in the training field, screaming that you could’ve saved them… saved who (F/N)?” His eyes softened and I closed my eyes, suddenly remembering everything that happened last night. No use in lying to him about it.

“My family…” I said quietly, I leaned on my knees and hung my head, refusing to look him in the eye.

“I left them to join the scouts, they didn’t want me to leave, but I left anyways. When I graduated early, I went to visit them… only to find out they were all slaughtered in the Trost titan breach. If I was there… maybe I could’ve…” I trailed off as my lip began to tremble, I couldn't stop the images of my parents half eaten bodies flashing through my mind. I shuddered and held back the vomit that wanted to come up. I took a shaky breath and hid my tears from Levi.

“I’m sorry captain, I shouldn’t-” I was cut off as Levi wrapped me in a hug. I was so shocked I just sat there motionless as this man embraced me.

“You couldn’t have saved them (F/N), if you had stayed you would have been killed with the rest of them.” He said quietly, I relaxed and hugged him back, letting the silent tears fall onto his shoulder.

“And If I must say, I’m sure as hell glad you left. It wouldn’t be right without you around here fucking everything up.” I laughed lightly.


“Levi, we’re not formal here you can just call me Levi.” I smiled lightly and pulled away from him.

“Levi…” I tried the name and it felt weird calling him by his first name.

“I just have one question.” I told him, he looked slightly confused but nodded.

“What happened to my pants?” I asked raising my eyebrow in question. He scoffed and smirked a little.

“It’s not what you think, you did that on your own claiming that pants were evil, then throwing them out the window.” I groaned and put my head in my hands from embarrassment.

“So you found me, and brought me to your room?” I asked blushing slightly.

“I couldn’t just leave you on your own, so yes I did. I watched you until you fell asleep to make sure you wouldn’t do something stupid, I slept on the couch in my study.” I sighed and looked him at him.

“You didn’t have to do that.” I said quietly.

“And don’t expect me to do it every time you decide to get drunk.” I rolled my eyes and smiled at him.

“Thanks Levi.” Then he did something I thought I would never see, he smiled. I was shocked and laughed lightly, he got up and started heading for the door.

“Come on, let’s go get the others.” I got up and followed him to the dining hall, Eld Gunther and Eren were where I last remember them, Hanji was sprawled in the middle of the floor and best of all, Petra was sleeping on Olou in the corner. I smiled looking at them and couldn’t help but let out a small giggle.

“Oi! Brats! Wake up!” Levi yelled at all of them. They all groaned and I made sure to watch Petra and Olou, no way was I going to miss that.

Olou started groaning and opened his eyes, he looked confused and looked down to see Petra sleeping on him, his eyes bugged out but then he smiled. He lightly pet her hair and she snuggled into his chest. Oh no way… I bit my lip to prevent myself awing or cooing over them.

“I said up! NOW!” Levi yelled again. Petra finally opened her eyes and looked up to see Olou, her eyes widened and she jumped up off of him and blushed heavily.

Everyone got up and trudged over to Levi.

“You idiots need to clean this up now!” He yelled at them and then marched off, everyone moaned and rubbed their heads, a few of them had hangovers, but Hanji Petra and Gunther all bounced back quickly and moved around cleaning up quickly. The others not so much. Olou, Eld, and Eren were all trudging and complaining about their heads hurting, poor Eren had already run to the bathroom and thrown up twice.

It didn’t take much longer to get everything cleaned up, I grabbed the bags full of empty wine bottles and took them to the garbage shoot. Once it was taken care of I headed out to find Petra. I looked around for her until I found her on the training field practicing with her blades.

“Hey Petra!” I called out to her and she stopped mid swing and smiled at me, I jogged over to her and she put her blades away.

“Hey (F/N)! How’s it going?” I smiled coyly at her and knudged her.

“Good, how’s it going with you and Olou?” I asked her, she blushed furiously and smiled lightly.

“I saw you two this morning, he seemed pretty affectionate with you.” I winked at her and she looked at me shocked.

“Really? What did he do?” I told her what I saw and she blushed even harder.

“I think he likes you.” I nudged her again and she broke out into a huge grin.

“You think so?” I nodded and we talked for awhile. I’ve never had a friend that I could talk to this easily with, it was great. I laughed and talked to Petra for a few hours until we were finally called in for dinner.

“Get in here brats!” We heard Levi call out.

“Coming shorty!” I yelled back.

“You’re cleaning toilets after dinner.” He glared at me and I rolled my eyes. Petra laughed and we headed in. I scarfed down my dinner and made my way to the bathroom, it took all I had not to lose the dinner I just had.

I scrubbed the last toilet clean and sighed in relief. I headed to my room, stripped and collapsed into bed. Sleep easily took over as I wrapped myself in the sheets.

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