I had started a routine that I followed for a few days, train the cadets, sass the captain, suffer the punishment from the captain. Then I would hang out with the squad, I have grown close with them all individually over the past few days and have come to think of them as my family, even Olou. Then when everyone was in bed, I would sketch the corporal. I thought this little crush would pass but it’s seemed to only grow. I’ve been trying hard to ignore my growing feelings for the asshole, but it’s no use.

The sun just peaked above the horizon, I sat in my bed staring at the ceiling, thinking about how I can get over this stupid little crush. Then someone knocked on my door, I sat up as the captain walked in.

“Yes captain?” I tried to stop the growing blush from creeping up.

“Do you know how to swim?” He asked stepping into my room, that’s an odd question.

“Uh, yeah… Why?” I asked a little confused.

“Good, I need your help teaching a few of the cadets how to swim, most of them apparently never learned.” He rolled his eyes sounding annoyed. That makes sense, most of them grew up in the towns, no where near any lakes to swim in.

“Yeah no problem captain.” I smiled at him and he nodded politely before leaving. I got out of bed and decided to get dressed and skip the shower, since I’m going to be swimming anyways.

I headed to the dining hall to get a quick breakfast before meeting the trainees, I just made a quick bowl of oatmeal and scarfed it down. I washed my bowl and ran out to meet the trainees all gathered around the training field.

“Hey guys!” I called out, they all turned and saluted to me, which I waved off.

“You guys are with me today, today we’re going to the lake to learn how to swim!” I yelled out at all of them. A few of them looked uncomfortable and looked embarrassed.

“No need to be embarrassed if you don’t know how to swim, I just learned how last year. Most of you grew up in towns with no swimming areas, so it’s a good reason why you don’t know how.” A lot of them seemed to relax, and Sasha raised her hand.

“Are we going to change into our swim wear first?”

“Nope, if you’re ever caught in a position on an expedition where you need to swim, you’re not gonna have time to change into swim wear.” A lot of them moaned and I glared at them.

“Oh stop whining! I’m gonna be swimming in my clothes as well, now lets go!” I turned and started walking off into the forest with all the cadets following. It didn’t take long for us to reach the lake. It was huge and it was a perfect day for a swimming lesson, the water was calm and it was a warm day. I walked out onto the dock and looked over the water.

I looked behind me as the last of the trainees filed in from the woods. I ran up to them and smiled.

“Okay, everyone who doesn’t know how to swim, step forward.” Almost all of them stepped forward with only five other kids who knew how to swim.

“Okay, well then let’s get started!” I took off my socks and boots, then took off my straps and laid them down carefully. Then my jacket and shirt came off revealing my support bra, which luckily covered all of my chest. A few of the guys whistled and I laughed.

“Down boys, this is all thats coming off!” I heard a few groans and rolled my eyes. The other girls weren’t as comfortable as I was and kept their shirts on, while the guys all chucked theirs to the side.

“Okay, the ones who do know how to swim I’m going to need your help. There’s a lot of you and I can’t really focus on all of you one on one.”

Falling In Love With Captain Short Stack.Where stories live. Discover now