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I stared at the ceiling for awhile, just thinking about my three days here at HQ. So far I’ve fallen thirty feet, beat the shit out of my squad mate, been to the infirmary twice and now most likely have a rumor about me and the corporal going around. What a great start to my career…

Someone knocked on the door and I sat up.

“Come in!” I yelled out, that was a mistake. Petra came bursting in the room and nearly tackled me.

“I knew it! I knew you two were together!” She screamed at me.

“What are you talking about!” I asked her pushing her off of me.

“You and Levi! Hanji just told us what happened! Gunther owes me like twenty bucks!” She started giggling uncontrollably and I just stared at her in shock.

“What! No no! Me and Levi are NOT together! When I was running from him he turned a corner the same time I did and we collided into each other and fell on each other. Hanji just happened to walk in on us when we were on the ground together.” I explained to her, her face fell and turned pouty.

“Can you at least tell Gunther you’re together so I can get my twenty dollars?” She asked me, I couldn’t help but laugh and shook my head.

“Damn!” She cursed and I rolled my eyes and hugged her.

“I’ll make you a deal, if I ever do end up with someone you’ll be the first to know.” We spent the next few hours in my room talking about random things, where we came from, our families, I tried to steer clear of that topic to keep from being too depressing, other than that we talked about random things, until one topic came up that surprised me.

“No way…” I sat there in shock of what she just said.

“You have to promise me not to tell anyone!” She hid her face while it was turning red.

“You like Olou! Why?” I questioned her feeling extremely confused.

“You don’t know him the way I do, he’s lost a lot and it has turned him pretty sour on everyone. But before he changed he welcomed me more than anybody else, he was my best friend.” She said smiling faintly.

“Every once in awhile he’ll act like he used to, you just have to be patient with him, he’s lost a lot. Last year he was in charge of a group of cadets during an expedition, they were swarmed by titans and they killed them all. He was the only one to survive, he felt like it was his fault. Since then he’s changed…” She said sadly, I suddenly felt bad for beating the shit out of him, I need to do better with him.

“So, enough about me, who do you like?” She asked scooting closer to me.

“N-no one…” I couldn’t stop the blush from spreading across my face and she giggled.

“I knew it, come on who is it! I told you who I like, and it can’t be more embarrassing than that!” True… she did trust me with her’s, but can she keep a secret? I sighed and looked at her.

“Okay fine, but it’s a small crush! And it’s going to pass eventually… I just think… that… the captain is kind of attractive…” I said quietly, Petra made an inhuman squeal and jumped up and down on the bed.

“I knew it I knew it I knew it! You guys would be so cute together!”

“Could you say that any louder! Jeez!” I held her down just as someone knocked on the door, and Olou popped his head in.

“Come on guys, time for supper.” I nodded and noticed Petra blush lightly.

“Thanks Olou, we’ll be right there.” Petra said kindly, Olou nodded and closed the door behind him. Petra and I cleaned up a bit and headed to dinner, Squad Levi and Eren were all around the table with Hanji.

“Good, you’re all here, I have something to show you.” Hanji said, she pulled out a napkin and unwrapped a spoon.

“Allow me to present this.” Eren froze and stared at her.

“That’s the spoon.” He said in shock.

“Indeed it is Eren.” Hanji went into an explanation about Eren’s ability and how it worked. And I learning that Eren accidentally transformed today, I was in shock listening to her explain everything, it was actually pretty fascinating.

“So what you’re saying, is that what you pulled today wasn’t on purpose?” Asked Eld, and Eren nodded.

“That’s right sir.” The squad all looked around and mutually nodded, before they all brought their hands to their mouths and sunk their teeth into them. I looked at all of them in shock and they bit their flesh.

“What the hell are you guys doing?” Yelled Eren.

“Okay that hurts like a son of a bitch, damn kid, I’m surprised you can tear it off without shrieking.” Eld said.

“Don’t get the wrong idea kid, just because we were wrong doesn’t mean we’re gonna start treating you any different!” Olou said.

“The point is, we made a judgment call today and we were wrong, consider this our way of apologizing Eren.” Petra said smiling at Eren.

“I think this new discovery is up for celebration!” Cheered out Hanji. She ran out the door and in seconds came back with a giant box full of different wine.

“I bought the fancy kind!” She started unboxing them all and handed out glasses for everyone, Levi sneered and pushed the glass away. We all passed around the wine and I generously filled mine, then it got to Eren. He looked nervous and looked around at everyone.

“Eren, have you ever had alcohol before?” I asked him quietly. He shook his head and looked embarrassed, I laughed lightly and poured him a small glass.

“Just start out with this, don’t do anymore, it should be enough for your first time.” I patted him on the back and he smiled at me, he took a big sip and immediately coughed it up. I laughed and hit him on the back as he started coughing.

“I should’ve warned you that you need to take small sips with wine.”

“Thanks for the tip!” He yelled out and everyone laughed, even Levi showed a little amusement in his eyes. And that’s how the night started, a few glasses later it lead to me on Gunthers shoulders, and Petra on Elds having a chicken fight.

Levi had left right before the chicken fight and hasn’t returned. Oh well, his loss. Gunther and I ended up winning the chicken fight. Eren was already talking gibberish and swaying back and forth.

“Looks like the greenhorns a lightweight!” Olou laughed as Eren slid down the wall into a sitting position. We had many many more glasses of wine, almost finishing off all of them. Eren was passed out in the corner, and Petra and Olou were having a patty cake session to the death, while Gunther and Eld were both passed out on the table. Hanji was god knows where, but at the moment I was too drunk to care.

It was hard for me to stand and I headed out the door to the training field, I stumbled a lot. My vision making the field sway underneath my feet, I tripped over to a tree and threw up most of my wine. Great…

I looked up to the sky and noticed it was a full moon, just like when I found them… No! No why remember that now! I put my hands to my head and fell to my knees. No no no… why… I could’ve… I could’ve saved them. I yelled out in frustration as tears started streaming down my face.

“Why! Why wasn’t I there! I could’ve stopped it!” I punched the ground and continued to cry and scream. I curled up into a ball and let the built up pain and loss overflow, then the ground disappeared from underneath me. I sniffled and looked up at the sky, the moon and stars moving…

“I’m sorry… I could’ve saved you.” I whispered.

“Shut it and don’t talk, I don’t want you throwing up on me you idiot.”

“Levi?” I questioned before passing out.

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