Qualities and Elements

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Cardinal Signs

The signs that are ruled by passion and ambition are Aries, Libra, Capricorn, and Cancer these are known as cardinal signs. They are those who fight and struggle to make things different they fight through chaos and make peace. Cardinal signs though do not enjoy peace they enjoy the struggle and will create it themselves when they're very bored. They love adventure and beginnings they represent spring. They are like capital magnets things they need seem to come to them at least to us people see there ambition and invest in them because they know a cardinal sign will get it done.

Cardinal and cardinal signs are like idea machines they can crank them out in an instant as well as know who would be perfect to help them. They can do anything together burning a path in the scary frontier for the others to follow. They can also rip each other apart they create chaos when they're bored creating bad blood between them.

When cardinal meets mutable the cardinal sign will see how they're varied abilities could be an asset. They can help lead mutable signs to a goal they want giving them an island to find themselves. Like everything else though it can create tension if the mutable sign doesn't show enough dedication the cardinal sign will get tired or bored of trying to work with mutable and leave.

Cardinal and fixed the cardinal sign will see its dedication which it couldn't find in mutable. The cardinal sign will speed the fixed sign and help it try new things that it couldn't before. Cardinal sign will become bored by fixed's tendency to be stuck in routines and they're inability to change.

While cardinal signs may look sort of like a user in those descriptions they will just as well help you of you show your worth helping. People see they're worth investing in and they invest in those they think are worth investing in. They are the perfect capitalists they share capital with those who are deemed worthy allowing for a flow of things between people.

Mutable Signs

These signs are Sagittarius, Gemini, Pieces, and Virgo they are capable of sudden change and dealing with an environment that changes. They like change things around them and based on their element they change different things around them. They are capable of resting in chaos and often like to make home in it this desire can make them trouble makers. They hate routine they love to experience new things and go out of there way to. They represent fall and the quick shift from warm to cold they collect things they also represent death.

Two mutable signs will spin around each other confusing one another occasionally watching this mingling would be like watching a ping pong match. They will love the fluidity of each other and their ability to change however if they share different elements they may get annoyed with what they change.

A mutable and fixed are opposites in many ways while fixed signs are constant mutable are changing. The mutable sign will like how dedicated the fixed sign is and will appreciate the grounded feeling they get around them. A mutable sign however will not like being to grounded while they may want to shift less they still like change.

Mutable and cardinal will probably have a nice time together the mutable sign will enjoy cardinal's passion and feel more focused. While fixed reduces the intense change cardinal will use it to their advantage giving mutable purpose. If aggravation it occurs it will be dedication that causes the issue one will get bored and move on.

Mutable signs are often very friendly and like to help others they will help you move your cardboard boxes full of stuff in the rain. The problem is that Mutable signs are people pleasers they love to make others happy even if it isn't a good choice or it isn't in their best interest.

Fixed Signs

Leo, Aquarius, Taurus, Scorpio love to work they are constantly working and without routine and structure they're lost in misery. They like to anchor themselves and focus on a task they resist change which is they're defining factor. Cardinal like chaos and mutable are constantly changing the fixed are the dependable loyal ones to the end. The fixed sign will sink in a ship before they give up and even then they'll still find hope the boat will return to them.

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