The Sun Signs Sagittarius

20 0 2


Nov 22 – Dec 21

Finally the elderly signs theses signs are very introspective and deal with how we deal with old age which is different for everyone. A Sagittarian way would be to take a cruise and stop in Rome or Athens to absorb the culture like any air... wait these are fire signs. A Sagittarius can often be confused for an air sign if you just look at their traits without realizing the pattern or if you've never been around one. As a fire sign they're personalities couldn't be more enjoyable they are often very witty and wonderful leaders once they stop acting like Leos, this can be very annoying since it just doesn't fit. They are also mutable signs, which explains the desire to travel, and why they are so enjoyable to be around since mutable signs are blessed with a wide range of abilities. Sagittarius is also the first sign of old age they tend to produce deep thoughts, enjoying literature, and culture (they might even enjoy this 'literature'). They also are the sign of long travels in contrast to the young Gemini which only makes sense but because of this I like to bind them together.

Like they're traveling cousin Sagittarius enjoys movement though they like to stick around to see how everything will play out where as Gemini may get bored and wonder off. A Sagittarian isn't all about rallying like Aries, Libra, or Leo instead they're about gathering people to just be around each other it makes them happy. Sick Sagittarians will try to be too deep making gaudy awfulness or they will try to imitate Leos by though with luck maturity will calm this down because it really is annoying. A sun sign should try to remain themselves as Gemini if I tried to be a Pisces that would be weird or even a Virgo it just isn't my nature and that will come out.

Sagittarius is a very elegant looking sign much like Leo though they generally hold a less glamorous look Sagittarius will dress in very complimentary clothes because they are designed to be themselves. Sagittarius doesn't have a many specific qualities though apparently they look a lot like horses... I don't get it but I've also seen a horse so my view of horses is tainted by branches in my face.

Sagittarius likes to move they are very energetic so as a parent you'll want to take them to the park to run around and play so when they go to the library they won't embarrass you by climbing the shelves in search of a good book. Talk to them this is one of the most important things for all kids but especially Sagittarians as well as reeling them in since they're mutable and cardinal characteristics allow them to slice into the middle of a mess. A Sagittarian will adore you if you take them places and allow them to be who they are if you are willing to step out of your comfort zone and knock them out of their own when appropriate they will enjoy you more.

My sister is a Sagittarian and while I do mostly have a good opinion about her we are so different in so many ways she likes to chill out while I like to explore and push boundaries.

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