The Houses and Planets

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Mars: The First House (The House of Self)

The cusp of this house is the ascendant of you since that sign was rising at the exact moment you were born this house represents morning and beginning. To understand your first house entirely is to understand you and what you will become many people still do not find it after that. It is how we present ourselves to the outside world as well as what's under the thin wrapping paper it is the personality and appearance. The First House is of the face and head since it holds the personality and our impression we give off to others who view us. It is what shapes us and leads us from childhood though one can stray since the universe is fluid it gives us an idea of what we will think, feel, and how we will change. This is house is ruled by Aries since it is the first house and because Aries is focused on the self the sign in this house tells us about how we will act.

Venus: The Second House (The House of Possession)

This house tells of how we deal with what we own physical and beyond we own our guilt, pleasure, action, and thoughts. It makes us ask the question as to what do we own, how do we want to use it, and why do we want the things we want? Many people care mostly about money when it comes to this realm and it also tells us about how we deal with that as well. The House of Possession also deals with what we do not own and how we will try to capture what that is. This house is ruled by Taurus a very indulgent sign that deals with the senses and how they interact with them this sign is all about the physical and present.

Mercury: The Third House (The House of Communication)

This house tell of how we communicate with the world around us it deals with any form of sharing ideas or connections between to beings. This house deals with logic and how we analyze every situation we are faced with and how those we are involved with will be effected. It is the house that can tell us how well we will work with others as a team and how we will take care of them. One thing that can alter this house is early childhood development as this house deals with linguistics and others. This house is the processor for how we absorb, process, and then share what we have learned to others and asks the questions as to how we will do so. This house is ruled by Gemini a fast paced sign that focuses on communication, or lack thereof, they are sharers.

Moon: The Fourth House (The House of Family and Home)

This house deals with places with where we rest and with whom we rest with it deals with where we call home and where we answer the call we will all hear at the end of our life. It deals with finding a part of our self that we desire and how create our home out of nothing or if we are simply happy living in nothing. It makes us the question of where our home is and who is it that takes care of as well as how we make a home for others and take care of them. This house also deals with our value of tradition and culture how much where willing to sacrifice to make sure that we can continue our lives. This house is ruled by Cancer the peaceful homemaker who finds oneness when they are sheltered and are taken care of.

Sun: The Fifth House (The House of Pleasure)

This house deals with our procreation as in ideas, art, and children as well as how pleasured we are by them it is the house of finding happiness in what we synthesis. This house deals with what we're willing to give to gain something that will give us pleasure or satisfaction in our romantic lives and how relationship offer us satisfaction. This house deals with luck and instinct as well people with favorable signs here are more likely to find luck in many things they do. It's about how we view our children and what we want for them if we want them to be a super pro or if we feel they can find happiness themselves. This house is ruled by Leo the playful leader sign they enjoy having fun outside as well as being center stage this is how they find satisfaction.

A Brief Introduction of AstrologyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz