Chapter 13

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            Trinity, jumped up to the next ledge and slid along it until she reached the edge of the wall.  Jumping right she caught the pipe and swinging around once released.  Flipping in midair, she caught the wall and took the impact in her legs.  Sliding right, she jumped back and landed on the six inch post.  Holding her arms out for balance, she spun around slowly and jumped forward.  Catching a ladder hanging from the ceiling, she climbed up and jumped left.  Catching the wall, she climbed up it from ledge to ledge.

            “Trinity, can we pick the pace up a little?” Gabe called.

            “You want to join me out here?”

            “Nope, I will leave the Lara Croft style climbing to you.”

            “Who?” Trinity jumped to a row of horizontal bars and began swinging across.

            “A hot as hell, sexy, British archeologist who climbs parkour style, often wearing short shorts and reaveal midriff tank tops, big guns, big boobs, had three movies made about her,” Gabe said. “Doesn’t ring a bell?”

            “I grew up on the streets; you think I had the money to go to the movies?” Trinity scoffed.

            “Okay, so your more like Nathan Drake?” Gabe said as Trinity dropped onto another post.

            “Who?” she asked jumping onto another and then up onto a wall.

            “British treasure hunter, grew up on the streets, video game character, again a parkour climbing style.” Gabe explained.

            “If I could go to the movies, what makes you think I could afford a video game system and television?” she retorted kicking up the wall to another ledge on the wall.  Sliding around, she jumped down onto the platform on the other side of the room.  She flipped the switch and the wall stopped moving.  The floor flattened and rose up to become even with the platforms.  Gabe ran across just in case it decided to reset.  He looked at Trinity and shook his head.

            “If we ever get out of here, remind me to get you to play a video game and see a movie,” he said.  Trinity laughed and they continued to walk.  Dan popped up and he stood where Trinity stood, she shivered and looked over at Gabe.  A ghost that was dressed as a guard walked in step with Gabe.  As they walked in step with Gabe and Trinity, the ghost partners argued.

            Trinity’s ankle began to throb in dull her ankle and began to limp as the pain grew more intense.  Gabe noticed her limping, took her under the shoulder and lifted weight off her ankle.  She smiled at him and he rolled his eyes.

            “Good work back there.”

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