Chapter 11

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            “We have to get out of here,” Gabe said not looking at her.

            “Well I can’t walk, my ankle is shit.” Trinity snapped.  She coughed again and Gabe stood up.  He punched the wall.

            “What the hell attacked me?” he hissed and pulled his glove off.  Touching his jaw it came away with no blood.

            “You look fine, there’s nothing wrong with your face,” Trinity said.

            “What, no, I had the shit beaten out of me by you.” Gabe argued and pulled his knife out.  Looking at himself in the reflective surface there was no split lip, no pistol whip mark, no blood.

            The voice from above cackled manically, “Oh did I not mention that I can control your sight Mr. Richards?”

            “What?” Gabe asked spinning around.

            “Just like I control Ms. Vega’s memory, I can control your sight.  Think of it like controlled hallucinations.  Whatever I want you to see, you see.  The mind is an amazing thing Mr. Richards.  Once you see it, you body is tricked into thinking you feel it.  So, Mr.  Richards, tell me how it feels to get shot in the gut,”

            Gabe heard a click and turned to see Trinity aiming her gun at him.  He took a step back and she fired.  Pain exploded into his stomach with a solid thump.  Holding his stomach, he saw blood begin to slid over his fingers.  He looked at Trinity who then turned the gun on herself.

            “Don’t do it Trinity,” he warned.  She just blinked and pulled the trigger.  Her body slumped over and the gun fell to the ground.  Bright red blood splattered against the ground and wall while beginning to pool around her head.

            Suddenly everything reverse, the blood sucked back into her head, the gun slid back into her hand, her body sat up, the blood and brain matter reversing as her gun came away from her head pointed at me.  Looking down the blood was being sucked upwards and back into my stomach before she lowered the gun and returned to her slouched position with the gun on her hip.

            “Gabe, what shouldn’t I do?” Trinity asked pushing herself up.  She held onto the wall and kept her right leg bent at the knee.

            “How did it feel Mr. Richards?  Maybe you would like a knife in your gut instead.” He suggested.

            “Not really feeling the idea of Trinity plunging seven inches of steel into my stomach,” Gabe scoffed and Trinity gave him a confused look.  He waved her off.

            Trinity looked around and saw Dan standing next to Gabe.  He walked over to her and motioned for her to follow.

            “Gabe, if you can help me walk, I can lead us somewhere?”

            “Are you going to be leading us or is Dan going to be?” Gabe asked taking her under the shoulder and took some of her weight.

            “Dan,” she mumbled looking down.  Dan walked forward and Gabe and Trinity hobbled along behind.  Trinity told Gabe when to turn and they did.  Stopping outside a room, Dan leaned on the door before vanishing.  Gabe pressed the door open and they hobbled in.  It was an infirmary of some sort.  Gabe sat Trinity down and rolled her pant leg up.  Her entire ankle was a swollen black and blue mass.

            “Can you wiggle your toes?” Gabe asked.

            Trinity nodded.

            “Alright, your ankle is sprained, not broken; let me see what I can find.”  Gabe searched for a while before finding a brace and a wrap.  Unlacing her boot, he pulled it off and she gritted her teeth.  He wrapped her ankle up and laced the brace over it before putting her boot back on.

            “Can you stand?” Trinity put her left foot on the ground and then carefully put her right down.  Pushing off the table, she kept most of her weight on her left foot.

            “Can you put weight on it?” Gabe asked.  She leaned a little on her right foot and could put a little on it. “Okay.  Good, you can at least sort of walk under your own power, this is going to set us back a lot.”

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