Chapter 36: Trixie

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Trixie's POV

"Fuck, fuck, fuck." I ran around from room to room, making sure that everything was in place.

"Trixie, calm your ass down."

"Willam, hush she is freaking out." My friend Courtney rolled her eyes at Willam as she fixed some of the decorations.

"Thank you Court."

"Listen, all I'm saying is that she needs to relax."

"No, what she needs to do is sit down so I can finish her makeup." I sighed and sat back down.

"Sorry Pearl. I'm just nervous."

"Oh, we hadn't noticed."

"Willam, shush. Willam's kind of right though Trixie, you should relax just a little bit."

"That is easier said than done girls."

"Hey Trixie, do you want me reserve a table for Katya's mother?" Dela looked at a clipboard as she stood in the doorway of my office. I jumped up as Pearl was doing my eyeliner, not really caring about my makeup.

"Fuck, I have to go pick her up from the airport."

"Shit, Trixie. You messed up your liner." Pearl pushed me back down in the chair as she took out a wipe, cleaning the smudged liner.

"Trixie, Willam and I can go get her while you get your makeup done."

"Oh, Courtney would you?

"Of course. I also think it would save your food from Willam." Courtney pulled a groaning and cursing Willam out of my office as I rubbed my head. Dela looked at me and called Pearl over. They spoke softly for a little bit. I could hear Pearl leave and Dela close the door behind her.

"What's wrong Trixie?"

"What, why would you think something is wrong?" I walked to the other side of my office, looking out of a window. Dela put her hand on my shoulder as she sighed.

"Trixie, we've known each other for a while. I know you quite well."

"I'm nervous Dela."


"I'm worried about Katya, she doesn't know what is really happening. What if she freaks out and just leaves?"

"Do you think she would do that?"

"No, well maybe. I don't know Del and that is the problem."

"Sweetie, Katya doesn't seem like she would do that. Maybe you should ask her mother when she gets here."

"Wait what?! I can't do that Dela. It will be my first time meeting her and you want me to ask if her daughter would bail on me? What am I supposed to do, just walk up to her and say 'Hey Katya's mom, I just wanted to ask, do you think your daughter will just leave me?' Thanks but no thanks Dela, I'll pass."

"Then don't ask Katya." I stared at Dela, as a tiny swelling pain took over my chest.

"I can't do that."


"Because Dela.."


"I love Katya. I love her more than anything. She deserves nothing less than the title of my wife."

"Then don't let your doubt and fear stop you." Dela hugged me softly. "She loves you, you know that. You tell her to not over think and let the demons take over, you need to do the same." I buried my face in Dela's shoulder, enjoying the comfort from my friend.

At 7pm, I was dressed and my face was beat for the gods. I walked around making sure that everything had gotten done and that nothing was got of place. I went through three checklists. Was it overkill? Maybe. Did I care? No. My running around was stopped when Willam and Courtney arrived. I made my way over to Courtney, nervous and shaky. "Hey, did you pick her up?"

"Yes, she is over there." Courtney pointed to the other side of the room. I looked over to see a small woman. She was looking at some of decorations that were placed on the tables.

"What is she like?"

"She's lovely, doesn't talk much though." Willam rolled her eyes at Courtney and laughed.

"Courtney, that's only because you talk too much."

"Don't start that up you two. I'm going to talk to her, you two behave alright?" I fixed my dress as I took a deep breathe, taking slow steps to the other side. I tapped on the older woman's shoulder. "Ms. Zamolodchikova?"


"I am Trixie Mattel, um I'm Katya's.."

"Girlfriend." Katya's mother wore a smile on her face as she pulled me into a hug.

"Oh. You knew already?"

"Yes dear. Katya has told me about you."

"Oh, you two are talking again?"

"Yes, she called me out of the blue a few months ago and well ever since she calls me at least four times a day. She talks about you two times out of those four, sometimes three."

"That is great."

"You can relax okay? I wanted to say thank you."

"For what?"

"Helping my daughter."

"What do you mean?"

"Could we go outside? I enjoy the fresh air."

"Sure." Katya's mother and I walked outside, the cool air blowing our dresses.

"Katya isn't the best at letting go. Of the past I mean, the mistakes that she have made. Katya blames herself for everything, all the fights that her father and I had. She blames herself mostly for her father's death though. I came here not only to see Katya's beautiful work, but also because I want her to know that the bad things that happen in our lives wasn't because of her. My late husband had a problem way before Katya was even born. He lost his job because of it but Katya was young and I didn't want her to know any of that, but.."


"I wish I would have told her the truth. Maybe, just maybe she wouldn't have held onto this pain as long as she has." Katya's mom turned to face me with a teary smile. "Trixie, please continue to make my daughter happy. She speaks so well of you, so I know you are doing everything right in her eyes. And that is all that matters." I hugged Katya's mother as I held back tears of my own.

"I asked you here because I wanted your blessing."

"My blessing?"

"Yes, um I want to propose to Katya."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I am. I have never been more sure of anything. I love her Ms. Zamolodchikova."

"Please call me Pat." I nodded my head and stood a bit confused when Pat chuckled. "Trixie, I don't think Katya could find anyone better."

"Wait, why do you say that?"

"Because we have been talking for a while now and well your voice had a slight shake to it, even when you called me to invite me. But when you just gave me your answer, it was strong and filled with passion." Pat smiled as she put her hand on my shoulder. "You have my blessing."

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