Chapter 5:Katya

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Katya's POV
As I made my way out of the door, I texted Beatrice. I wanted to make a good first impression and what better way than with coffee and food? No way, that's the correct answer no way. I am glad Ginger thought to give me her number because I wouldn't have guessed her order. As I stood in line, I looked at my makeup. A classic smokey eye with a nice red lip. My outfit matched my makeup, a black skirt with fishnets, a red blouse that flared at the wrists, a black fur coat and red pumps. It screamed " I COULD BE A RUSSIAN WHORE but only on Tuesdays." I ordered my usual black coffee and bagel. Then ordered the sickeningly sweet drink and adorable cake pops. I refused to call it coffee because the whole idea of it being coffee was drowned in the sugar. I made it back to my car without ruining anything, which was rare. I had forty minutes to kill before I had to be at The Mattel building. But I didn't want to chance it so I just took a slow drive while listening to Lana Del Ray and drinking the actual definition of coffee. The drive was peaceful and the cold winter breeze was nice. The stress I felt this morning was slowly melting away. After talking to Ginger this morning I was closer to okay. I stopped at the red light and looked at my phone. It was lit up with messages from a group chat. It was filled with nothing but love.

Sharon: Good luck today Katya.

Alaska: Hieeeeeeee you got this.

Violet: You will do great

Bianca: Yeah yeah what they said.

Adore: Yeah you will good great. And if it makes you feel any better, I am meeting Miss Mattel for the first time today too.

This made my heart race. Why would Adore be meeting with Beatrice. She hadn't even met me yet and already she was looking for a another assistant. I thought about turning right round but I thought about what my therapist and I had been talking about. My over thinking. I texted back.

Me: Wait why Adore?

She replied at record speed, she had to know I was freaking out.

Adore: She is the lady I was telling you about. The one who heard me perform at Pride when I went to New York. She is helping me get a good start.

I felt my lungs release a deep breathe that I was unaware that I was holding.

Me: Oh okay well good luck babe. You are awesome. I know she will love you.

Adore: She will love you too❤

I sure hoped so.

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