Chapter 2:Katya

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Katya's POV
As I got finished with my shower, my phone went off. I picked up the phone which had a very dark yet very religious case on it. I find humour in the little things. I looked at my phone and I saw a picture of my favourite redhead with hair as red and hot as her personality. I answered the phone. "Hello my dear," I said into the phone feeling a smile make its way onto my face. Ginger warmed my heart even though I was an annoyance to her sometimes.

"Don't hello dear me you whore. I hope you are getting ready and that you are continuing to push through with today. " I could tell Ginger had a smile on her face even if she tried to sound stern. She had a soft spot for me. "I told Beatrice that you were reliable for this job and I really believe that even if you don't."

"Hmmm reliable is a strong word. Has anyone ever told you that you could pull a muscle from all the reaching that you do?" I giggled at my joke and waited for Ginger to insult my poor dry granddad humour.

"Katya," she sighed into the phone. And I just knew she was rolling her eyes at my joke. "How are you feeling about this? Be honest honey." Her southern twang filled the last word with a warmness that made me feel safe to speak.

"I don't know Ging. I didn't sleep much, I went to bed at ten and was up at two. I don't know if this will work out and I don't want to mess up like I did before." I could feel the burn in my throat from holding back tears. I felt my heart beating faster. I leaned against the sink to balance myself and to shake the dizziness off. Ginger waited patiently on the other end of the phone for me to finish. "I just..I just don't want to let you down again Ginger. I did that for so long and I feel like I'm still making up for it." I could hear Ginger sniffle and clear her throat.

"Now listen here. You did not let me down or anyone else. You are doing this for you and no one else. Your life is yours and you do the best that you can with it. You got back up and got your crap together so that is all I see and I am damn proud to say that I have been with you through it all. Now get ready and make sure to be there on time if not early. You got this Katya."

"Thank you Ging. I have no idea what I would do without you."

"Die." I laughed at Ginger's joke. She was right.

"You are 100% right there. I love you Ging." She hummed and hung up. I looked at myself in the mirror and straighten my hair. It was now or never.

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