Chapter 10:Trixie

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Trixie's POV
As I walked through the halls to the break room, my mind wandered. It seemed like my world stood still when she walked into the room. I knew she would be beautiful, just by Ginger's words but the woman that walked into my office was something new to me. The way she talked, and not just her accent but just her. Her sense of style was something to fight the pink and yellows of my life. Her sharp blue eyes searched mine for unsaid answers to certain topics. The way she smiled at me made the butterflies in my stomach flood into my throat. How was I going to make this work? Maybe it's just because she is so beautiful. Yeah that's why. It is nothing wrong with seeing a beautiful person and taking the time to notice their beauty. I shook the thoughts of Katya from my head. I walked into the cold room and looked at the coffee pot, a groan made its way out. I turned and opened the tea cabinet. Yes, here at The Mattel Company, we have a tea cabinet. I looked through the different flavors. I had no idea what to get. Dela or Bob would normally get my tea. I looked and reached for one named something called Sage.

"Unless you want to fight Alzheimer's disease I don't think you want that one." I jumped to turn around and see Katya leaning against the door, grinning at me.

"Are you following me Miss Zamolodchikova?" I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes.

"Well no. It is my job to know where my boss is in a sense. I was just coming to tell you that Alyssa cancelled. Dela tried calling your phone but it was still in your office. She told me you'd be in here. She said you call it the 'break down room.' Clever name. But what kind of tea are you looking for?" Katya walked to stand beside me.

"Is there one that can stop time and keep me from propelling myself off a building?"

She chuckled, "uh no and well if there is I haven't heard about it. But how about passionflower tea? It is a mixture of hibiscus tea with orange and a few other things. It helps with anxiety and stress. Oh it also improves sleep." She took the kettle and filled it with water and turned it on. "You can have it hot or cold. I prefer hot because well it reminds me I'm alive."

"How do you know so much about tea?" I asked as I sat down and waited.

"I am big on stuff like that. You know mediation and yoga. Anything to help with stress and anxiety, I most likely have tried it. I even went on a trip to the mountains to try and find peace."

"Well did you find it? Peace?"

"While I was gone, sure. But once you get back to the place you were before, that peace fades. We can't go searching for peace away from home because it disappears as soon as we are back. The best thing to do is make your own peace at home. Take away all stressful things and replace them with good things that make you happy. And if you can't get rid of the stressful things, then just find ways to fight it." Katya once again searched my eyes for an answer to her question. "Are you looking for peace Miss Mattel?" Just as I was going to open my mouth, the kettle whistled. Katya stood up and walked to make my tea. She sat a cup in front of me and smiled.

"Okay so what is this?"

"It is passionflower tea with almond milk served with a pinch of lemon. I made sure it stayed hot because I figured all the flavors would go together a little better." Katya smiled as she waited for me to take a sip. I slowly took a sip and immediately knew I wanted her to make me tea everyday.

"Katya this is amazing. I love it." She blushed and looked down at her feet.

"Heh thanks. I love making tea and trying new flavors."

"Don't just stand there come sit down with me. Since I am free until tomorrow, let's talk. How do you honestly like it here?"

"I think it is really nice. But I have a question." I nodded at her as I took another sip. "Why is family such a big deal here? And I don't want to sound rude when asking that. It is just everyone has welcomed me to the Mattel family. I was just wondering." I sat my cup down and looked at her.

"Well Katya, have you ever wanted to be accepted by your family but you wanted to live a different lifestyle than them? Or you had different ideals and were shunned for it?" Katya mumbled a soft 'yes'."That is why. The people who work here left their families to start a new life. We came here alone. Take Farrah for example. She was 18 when I met her. She was the new girl on campus and she just didn't know what to do with herself. She immediately got caught up in parties with the guys from the college that was down the road. We became roommates due to a mix up in my third year. We exchanged phone numbers when she moved in because it seemed like the best thing to do you know? It all happened on a Friday night though. I got a call at 4am from her. She was crying and sounded so sad. She asked if I could come get her from the frat house a few minutes away, I told her I would. I got up and drove to get her. I walked into the house while avoiding all the catcalls and found her in a bathroom crying. I helped her up without a word and we drove home. The next morning she told me that one of the guys there tried to pressure her into having sex with him and when she said no, he yelled and called her a 'no good wannabe whore'. I held her as she cried in her pink pj's. We reported him and he was forced to leave that school. Even thought I graduated the next year and had to come here, she never left my side. She was one of the friends that went with me back home, and she has been here ever since. I've known Bob since I was 18. He was the only guy I could tolerate from beauty school. He went for designing and made me a few dresses and even a costume for Halloween. He has been here through the unfortunate breakups and one-night stands and I've done the same for him. Now oh boy Alyssa. I have known Alyssa ever since I was 15. She worked for my grandfather and when I would visit him, there she was. She was my grandfather's assistant at the age of 25. She is a mere ten years older than me but acts as if she is in her 50's. But when I was younger she would teach me different dance routines, even though singing was my thing. I knew her talent was being wasted as a note taker and letter opener. So when I took over, she got a studio and a higher paying check. I'm guessing Dela told you how her and I met." Katya smiled and nodded. I reached to take her hand. "Listen, we may have just met but you are now part of the family Katya. We all have families but sometimes it is better to know that there are others who don't have to deal with you but they want to. And we want to. The motto we live by here is that 'We can't pick who loves us or who stays around but we can pick who we love and who we stay for'. It is something we all learned." Katya smiled and finished her tea. After what felt like hours of talking, Katya stood up.

"I have to get going. I am celebrating with Adore and a few friends tonight. I had a good first day."

"I am glad to hear that. Have fun and tell Adore I said hello."

"I will and see you tomorrow boss."

"See you tomorrow Katya."

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