Chapter 28:Trixie

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Trixie's POV
I stepped out of the shower and grabbed my towels. I wrapped one towel around my body and then the other around my hair. I smiled as I opened the door and walked into my room. "Hey Kat.." I was a bit confused when I didn't see Katya waiting for me. I looked beside my vanity, and saw that Katya's bag was missing, and on my pillow was a note. I picked up the note and sat on the bed as I read it. I set the note back on the bed and picked up my phone.

Me:hey I hope you feel better but uh if you don't then you don't have to come into work today and I can bring you some soup to help you feel better.

I threw my phone on the bed and walked in my closet to look for something to wear. I wasn't going to be there for long, but I still needed to look nice. After finding something to wear, I sat at my vanity and started my makeup. I wanted to just wear something simple, I was too worried about Katya to focus on makeup really. I took my hair out of my fluffy towel so it could dry. As I did my makeup, I kept turning around to see if Katya has texted me or anything, but there was nothing. I told myself she was sleeping, or in the shower. Katya always replied to my messages, even if it was something small.

After spending a hour getting ready, I made it to the office. I waved hello to Dela and walked straight to my office. I closed the curtains and locked the door behind me. I leaned against the door and let my body slide down to the floor. I checked my phone before I left home, Katya had opened my message but didn't reply. It caused me to over think and form scenarios that would more than likely never happen. Katya and I weren't dating so there was no fucking reason for me to be checking my phone like I was. But she did kiss me last night, she held me. So maybe I wasn't over thinking, maybe. She went from showing no signs of liking me to all the signs, and then she left. I didn't want to seem like a brat or anything  but I needed something, anything. Maybe she was drunk, or maybe she thought it was a mistake. I heard a knock at the door that made me jump up. I wiped the tears from my cheeks and cleared my throat. I unlocked the door and opened it with a smile. "Hello Dela."

"Hey Trixie. I just wanted to check on you, make sure you're okay."

"Oh yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

"I don't know, you just seem a bit off."

"I didn't much sleep." Dela looked a little unconvinced but smiled.

"Okay, well I will bring you some coffee to wake you up. Oh speaking of coffee, have you seen Katya?"

"Oh uh, she isn't coming in today. She isn't feeling well."

"Oh no, I wish I could bring her some soup. I really hope she gets better."

"Me too." Dela smiled and put her hand on my shoulder. She turned around and walked back to the break room. I closed my office door and walked to my desk. I pulled out my chair and sat down. I knew Dela didn't believe me but I didn't care. She knew something was up, but I was thankful that she didn't push to talk about it. I put my head on my desk and closed my eyes. I didn't love to Dela when I said I didn't get enough sleep, because I was tired as shit.

"Trixie, Trixie." I felt a soft tap of my head. I groaned and tried to slip back to sleep. "Cone on sugar, get up." I opened my eyes and lifted my head. I rubbed my eyes a bit so I could see a little better. When my vision was clear, I saw Alyssa standing in front of my desk. 


"Hey. Why in the hell are you sleeping at this desk? You're going to hurt that back of your more than it is."


"Oh honey, those tits of yours gotta cause back problems."

"Alyssa, please don't talk about me like that."

"Oh please. Why are you sleeping here?"

"Because I'm tired."

"Then you should have stayed home."

"I can't, I have work to do."

"Trixie, it is 9pm almost 10, the work day is over."

"I slept that long."

"Uh huh."

"Um, has Katya came in or anything? Called maybe?"

"Not that I know of, but I don't work at the front desk."

"I'll ask Dela."

"You can ask her tomorrow, get your butt home and get in the bed. I will lock up."

"Yeah okay. I think I will do that. Thanks Alyssa."

"Thank me by getting an actual good night's rest."

"Okay." I stood up from my desk, grabbed my things and left my office. I waved bye to Dela and Alyssa, then walked to my car.

After a long drive home, I got undressed and took a nice hot shower. I had given up on Katya messaging me or calling me, if she needed me she would have texted me by now. I was laying down, staring at my ceiling as I tried to stop thinking. I rolled over and turned off my light. I was tired and needed sleep.

The sound of my phone going off woke me up. Barbie Girl by Aqua playing at full blast was enough to wake anyone up. I reached for my phone and slightly closed my eyes as the bright light hit my eyes. Instead of trying to see who it was, I answered. "Hello?"

"Trix.." My eyes snapped open when I heard the voice. The voice was faint, barely a whisper, but it was Katya.  

"Katya, are you okay? How are you feeling?"

"I um, I can't really breathe."


"I'm having a panic attack, I can't breathe. I can barely see."

"Okay, okay try to relax. Tell me what's wrong?"

"I don't know, just being stupid. Over thinking, being dumb. I..I am sorry."

"Katya, there is nothing to be sorry about." I thought for a moment on how to help Katya. I wanted to drive to her but I didn't want to hang up the phone until I knew she was okay. I looked at my guitar in the corner and got an idea. I walked to my guitar, sat on the floor, and started to play softly. "Hey Kat, do me a favorite and close your eyes. Just listen and don't speak." I took a deep breathe as I started to sing.

"Weirdness follows me wherever I go
Weirdness seems to know me even better than I seem to know myself
I'm someone else
Looking to the clock beside my bed
Am I really keeping time or is it only keeping me instead?
Go back to bed"

I could hear Katya's breathing calm down a bit so I decided to sing more. I hadn't played in a year or two but the thought of Katya pushed me to sing, pushed me to move my fingers against the cold strings that used to hold me up when I was done.

"Woah woah woah woah
You've got time to grow
Oh soldier, take your time
No one said the words all have to rhyme, and if they do it's fine
And even if they don't, no one needs to know
Woah woah soldier, you gotta let things go."

I had no idea why it was so easy to come up with a song on the spot but I didn't care. When I heard Katya's breathing fully even out, I slowed my playing to a stop. There as silence but I knew she was there. "Katya?"


"Can I come over?"


"Thank you, unlock the door love."

"Okay." I smiled and hung up the call. I ran to my closet and got dressed as fast as I could. I didn't care about the fact that I didn't hear from Katya all day, I just wanted her to be okay.

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