Part 9

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He leaves and I'm still laying there. May as well get some sleep. I quickly get dressed in a shirt and bike pants making sure they don't touch my cuts. I close my eyes as sleep consumes me.


I wake up to see the sun blasting in my eyes. I rub my eyes and reluctantly get up.

I walk over to the bathroom and open the door going all the way through to the other side and open the door to see a perfectly made EMPTY bed. "Must be down stairs" I mutter to myself.

Why was his bed made? He never makes his bed. I'm so confused.

I go down stairs and see no ones there. I grab my phone and go to turn it on but it won't turn on. I look through the whole house looking for someone. ANYONE.

No ones there.

I'm all alone.

They left me.


I sit up in my bed covered in sweat and tears running down my face, darkness in my room showing it's still night. Gods it was a nightmare.

I look over to the other side of my bed but Peter's not there. Right he's in his room.

I get up and go over to the bathroom door and I'm instantly flooded back with my nightmare. I quickly close the door and go over to the one to leave my room. I open the door and walk around to Peter's door and open it.

"Pete?" I ask quietly. "M, are you okay?" He asks when he sees my face. "Can I sleep in here? Please" I ask in a small voice.

"Of course. Come here." He says moving over a little. I sit down and slowly slide so I'm laying. He wraps his arms around me.

"What happened?" He asks pushing my messy hair out of my face. "Nightmare" I reply snuggling into him.

He left it there knowing that they're hard for me to talk about since this isn't the first one he's seen.

He's met me multiple times in the middle of the night whilst sleeping over our place making coffee or watching tv, usually joining me for a while before falling asleep together but he's always gone by the time I wake up.

That's how we fell asleep and that's how we woke up. Together. In each others arms. Together. I'm not alone.

I see his eyes are closed but I know he's awake. "We're you watching me?" I ask smirking as he opens his eyes with a faint blush over his face.

"Is it creepy if I was?" He asks in a raspy voice. "Hmm depends" I say giggling. Gods what has he done to me. "Come on" I say kneeling up on the bed looking down at him. "Noooo" he whines. He's so cute.

"Come on" I say standing up whilst pulling him out of bed. He reluctantly follows as I go over to his suitcase and grab one of his way to big long sleeve shirts whilst taking mine off and placing his on.

It's long enough to cover my thighs and baggy enough to not press against my wrists.

I turn around to see him looking at me smiling. "Goofball" I say out loud which causes him to burst out laughing.

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