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quick note. this is the final chapter but I will have an epilogue so be prepared to read that after you finish this chapter.
I'm also thinking of maybe doing a little q&a if anyone is curious about my characters, their choices, details that weren't explained or simply me as an author and my journey writing this story. hope I get some questions.
you can simply comment the questions at the end of this cheater or the epilogue chapter and I will answer them all. lots of love xx

chapter twenty


     LEVI ENDED UP LEAVING my room after an hour. We had spent a while talking and just being in each other's presence---it was pretty great. I had even texted Lex to update him before I went to bed then I slept with a big smile on my face.

     When I woke up, I knew I had to get back to London as soon as possible--- with or without Levi. I did want to spend time with him but I was aware he had a lot to get sorted out with his family. After I was fully ready, I made my way downstairs and found Evelyn  alone as he sipped on coffee.

     "Good morning," I said, trying my hardest to not be transparent. I was very uncomfortable and aware that she probably hated me.

     "Good morning, Madelyn." She said bitterly, not even looking at me. "I take it your night was well." She said formally and I nodded even though I knew she couldn't see me.

     "I did," I told her and forced a smile. "Everything was lovely. I slept like a baby."

     "Of course you did," she mumbled then set her mug down. "I'm sorry for the hostility but I'm not particularly happy with the choice my son is making and you're a large part of the problem."

     The words stung a little but I wasn't even sure what to say to them. Standing awkwardly in the same spot, I waited for her to say more but she never did.

     "I know you're trying to do the best for your son but this isn't the life he wants." I bravely said, contradicting the smarter part of me. I knew I should have minded my own business. "You should let him make his own decisions and if he fails, that's a lesson he needed to learn."

     Evelyn finally looked at me and it was hard to decipher the emotion in her shiny eyes. "And you know how I should raise my son more than I do?" She asked and and I wished I had just said my goodbyes and left before my stupid mouth was forming parenting advice to a mother.

     "Not at all..." I trailed off and tried to think of the right words. I knew not to try talking because that would lead to babbling and once I started, there was no stopping it.

     "You should leave," she said and abruptly stood from the stool. "And some advice, Maddie, think of the consequences of you actions before you make selfish decisions. Levi knows nothing about loving someone else because all the love he's ever known from a girl is with Max. Now you're about to ruin a family because of your selfish needs then years later when you're in your forth year of college and my son is only in third, you'll dump him and be back in America or wherever you're from. And my grandchild will not have a functional home."

     As she walked away, I let her words replay in my mind. Was I really damaging the future of a child just because of my selfishness? But did my feelings need to be pushed side just because of Maxine? And would Levi have ultimately ended up with Maxine if I hadn't come into his life.

     I needed to have this figured out before I left the house.

     Levi was sitting on his bed when I entered his room. I had gone up to knock once I had thought of the right words to say to him. I knew I had to leave after I had spoken to him and that made me extra nervous.

     "Can I please talk to you?" I shyly asked and took the seat next to him.

     Concern took over his face and he sighed deeply. "Is everything alright?" He asked and looked at my face, searching for an answer.

     Quickly, I thought about what I was about to say and if I had been making the right decision. "I think we need to stop what we're doing." I started and averted my eyes from him. "I like you and I'm starting to somewhat heal after what happened with Reed but I'm being so selfish right now."

     "Don't do this, Maddie." He whispered and I was so close to changing my mind but I knew I needed to think of the long run.

     "Maxine, although I don't like her, is carrying your child and I don't think it's right for me to choose myself and ignore that a child might come into this world to find parents that don't even talk anymore." I explained and tears began to build up in my eyes. "I don't think I'll be able to live with the fact that Maxine and you would still be together if I hadn't come along. And add a baby to the mix--- it's innocent but I might be causing for it to be raised in a dysfunctional home."

     I was using words similar to Evelyn's. She had maybe gotten in my head or maybe just talked some sense into me. I wasn't sure but what I was sure about was that I was feeling guilty and needed to give Max and Levi a chance. I hoped to be making the right decision.

     "If you've made up your mind, please just leave." He said and his face gave off an emotion that was a cross between sadness and anger. I wanted to make him feel happier but I knew leaving would give opportunity for a different type of happiness.

     Turning on my heels, I prepared to walk away and not return. "Goodbye, Levi." I said then left.

     I left, not only him, but a little bit of my heart. As stupid as I felt, walking away from one of the best things to happen to me, I knew I needed to do this.

     So I walked and I walked. Further from him and made my way back to London.



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