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chapter one



     THUNDER ERUPTED AND THE sky sequentially began to cry out cold rain that soon came in contact with my exposed skin. Letting out a frustrated wimper, I dashed back into the school library to seek some drier conditions.

     Because it was a Friday evening, most students of the college had left learning areas and began their party plans while I opted to catch up on all the work I had been falling behind in. After spending a whole week locked up in my room, I had missed lectures, assignments and two tests in total. Lucky for me, my professors agreed to let me get back on my feet by offering make up tests and extra credit--- which i had been trying my hardest to do well in.

     "You didn't take an umbrella with you, Madelyn?" The old librarian asked as she put away some books people had left on tables.

     Grinning like the fool I was, I shook my head and wrapped my short arms around my small figure. Cold wind blew from the windows and shivers ran down my body. I was not in an ideal situation but I was pretty much stuck in the building because the other option had been to ran all the way to my room to get warmth--- and that idea was dumber than it sounded.

     "I noticed another young man at one of the tables studying," Rebecca, the librarian, suggested. "You could ask him for a ride. He's a lovely boy."

     Flinching, I thought of asking a stranger for a ride and how awkward it would be. But I needed it so I sighed heavily and nodded at Rebecca. "I'll give it a try." I mumbled and began to drag my tired feet towards the door leading to the study areas of the library.

     As I reached out to pull the door open, the force of hard wood came crashing into my face causing me to stumble then fall on my butt. Yelping in pain, I tried to keep my tears from falling but I did not succeed. Hot tears began to escape my tear ducts and slowly roll down my pink cheeks. Excruciating pain shot from my butt all the way to my lower back and everything just kind of felt like a blur as a tall male emerged from the room and Rebecca's worried voice came closer to me.

     And in my panic, everything went black.


things escalated quickly. i hope that little chapter was okay. it was as good as a prologue but that's not that i was going for because it kinda is the plot so i hope the next chapters are a little more detailed and help tell the story.

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