Chapter 14: Her Boys!

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Something was up, Yuuki could sense it, but she couldn't for the life of her figure out what it was. This caused her to be riled up throughout the day. Was Reborn somehow a part of this? She knew that he was one of the few people who knew her well enough to hide things from her. What could he be hiding?

"Let's go," Hibari said, startling Yuuki from her thinking.

"Huh," Yuuki sat puzzlingly at her desk as Hibari entered the student council room.

"The baby wants us on the roof," Hibari explained, crossing his arms as he waited for Yuuki to move.

"Okay," Yuuki warily agreed as she got up from her seat. Whatever Reborn was hiding, she would just have to wait and see. Cautiously, she followed Hibari to the roof of the school where they found Reborn, Tsuna, Gokudera, and Yamamoto waiting for them.

"Tsuna-kun, Yamamoto-kun, Gokudera-kun," Yuuki greeted as the two arrived at the roof.

"Eh?! Yuuki-senpai! Hibari-san!" Tsuna shouted, surprised to see them there. Reborn had called them to the roof for something, but didn't say what it was.

"Yo, Kaichou!"

"Good afternoon, Yuuki-sama!"

After exchanging some pleasantries, Yuuki turned to stare sternly at Reborn. "Reborn," Yuuki stressed, silently asking for an explanation.

"I like to introduce you to some new guests," Reborn eventually revealed.

"Guests?" Everyone, but Hibari, chorused.

"They're people you know, Yuuki."

"Huh?" Yuuki tilted her head, looking perplexedly at Reborn. She knew a lot of people. Which ones were Reborn talking about? Wind blew across the roof before four distinct shadows blanketed the group.

"How could you forget us, Ojou-sama," a voice whined. "Especially after we spent all those intimate times together."

Yuuki twitched, recognizing the voice while feeling irritated by the statement. What did he mean by 'intimate times together'?!

"Yeah, are we that forgettable?" Another voice added.

"You can be so cruel, Aneki," a pair of voices simultaneously chorused.

"Those voices," Yuuki trailed off, gradually turning to look behind her. The others followed suit. There, standing on the small roof above the door entrance were four males, all wearing the school's uniform. The tallest of the group seemed to be around Yamamoto's height with short, sandy-colored hair and deep blue eyes.

The other two guys were twins whose height reaches the tallest guy's chin. They both have short, silver hair and violet eyes. One of the twins has a scratch mark from the middle of his left cheek to the left side of his face and his hair was a bit more spikey and wild-looking than the other twin. The second twin didn't have any scars, but he had a black-rimmed glasses perched on his nose and his hair was longer and flowy, which gave him a more feminine look. In his hand was some kind of compact computer with the Mugen's crest on it.

The last guy in the group was the shortest out of the four, only reaching the twin's shoulders. He has short brown hair and sharp brown eyes. He has a grumpy look on his face, but it softens slightly when his eyes landed on Yuuki.

"Kazuo! Arata! Shoshi! Ken!" Yuuki shouted, elated that they were there.

"YUUKI!" The tallest boy and wild-looking twin happily shouted as they leaped off the roof, tackling Yuuki with a glomp.

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