Chapter 15: There's Pink Stuff in the Air

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Today was a wonderful day. The cherry blossoms were in full bloom and the sky was cleared of clouds, leaving the sun free to light up the world with its rays. The weather was also quite pleasant; not too cold and not too warm.

It was a perfect day to go sakura-viewing and many people were buzzing with excitement. There was also a subtle, competitive undertone to the occasion since everybody wanted the best spot to view the sakura trees. Reborn and the others were no exception. Thus, Tsuna and his friends were ordered by Bianchi to go ahead and save a spot for the group.

During the boys' journey to find a spot for the gathering, Yuuki and her team were getting ready for the sakura-viewing. Yuuki were preparing some food for the picnic since she knew that Bianca was planning to bring her poisoned ones and no one really want to die on such a wonderful day – actually, no one wants to die in general. Anyway, Shoshi was helping her with the food prep while the others were packing up the essential items.

Just when they were about to leave, Yuuki abruptly received some last-minute informant work from the Mugen clan. If it was any other job, she would have set it aside to do later, but apparently it was an emergency. So instead, she had to stay behind to complete it. Not wanting to spoil the fun for her team, she ordered them go on without her and assured them that she would go once she finished her tasks.

It took a bit of convincing since the boys did not want to leave her alone, but she eventually booted them out of the house and got to work.

It was a simple task and thus, it didn't take too long for her to finish. By the time she was done, everyone should have already be at the park, partying. Seeing how late she was, Yuuki debated on whether to go or not since the group has already started without her and it seemed pointless to go this late in time.

After some considerations, she decided to go. Since Tsuna was becoming a key figure in the underworld, it was more beneficial for her to continue strengthening their relationship.

Therefore, Yuuki found herself walking down the stone path of the park famous for their abundant of cherry blossom trees. As she strolled, Yuuki took the time to enjoy the view of the sakura trees that littered the park grounds and the soft, cool breeze that weaved in between them.

Amidst her strolling, Yuuki noticed a small movement from the corner of her eyes. Turning her gaze towards what caught her attention, she saw a stray butterfly fluttering towards her. Seeing the odd behaviour of the butterfly made Yuuki pause and hold up her hand. The butterfly flew down and landed on one of Yuuki's finger tips. Its wings fluttered as though stretching from the long flight before settling down on its perch. Once settled, the antennas of the butterfly flickered in familiar patterns as Yuuki listened to its inaudible words.

"Hmm, interesting," Yuuki hummed, the corners of her lips flickering down in displeasure. It seemed that Hibari had gotten into some trouble with a certain, infamous mafia doctor. Message delivered, the butterfly gave one last flick of its antennas in farewell before taking off. Yuuki watched the butterfly go, making sure it was safe before surveying the area.

She looked around, her head slightly tilted as though straining to hear something. After a couple of seconds, Yuuki straighten up and walked off the stony pathway into another direction. Crossing some patches of grass fields, Yuuki shortly came upon another stone path. Standing in the middle of the pathway, Yuuki waited. Before long she spotted Hibari in the distance, staggering towards her.

"You're too impatient," Yuuki reproached once Hibari stopped within distance in front of her. "You didn't even try to get the cure for the disease."

Hibari grunted and since he was still affected by the cherry blossom trees, his voice was a bit curt, "I don't need it."

Yuuki raised a skeptical eyebrow. Her gaze bared onto his swaying body which contradict with his previous words. Yuuki held her tongue though and instead frown. "Let's get out of here, ne?"

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