Chapter 5: Introducing Profiles

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Within the meeting room sat some students with the desks positioned in a circular pattern. These students were all temporary members of the student council. They held temporary positions because the council was in need of members to help operate the school and organize the school events. 

It would have been permanent memberships, but no one had wanted it. It was not that they didn't want to, but being in the student council would mean collaborating with the Disciplinary Committee and most students were too afraid to join because of it. 

Thus, the council had temporary members until they could find someone to replace them. This does not include the president though. That position was solely taken by Yuuki who was more than happy to work with the Disciplinary Committee.


"Kyaa!" The female members screamed while the males shouted in fright. They all felt slightly panic from the sudden explosions. The only one who wasn't panicking was their president who stood by the window, looking down at the yard before him. Out of the window, Yuuki could see Tsuna dodging small dynamites being thrown at him by the new transfer student.

Gokudera Hayato, nicknamed Hurricane Bomb.

Age: 14

Younger brother to Gokudera Bianchi, nicknamed Poison Scorpion.

Blood type: B

Height: 168 cm

Weight: 54 kg

Gokudera has gained instant popularity with the ladies upon entering school, mainly due to his 'bad boy' image. Despite his image, he is super smart and is a top student in his grade. He is apparently also really superstitious.

He moved to Japan for a personal mission and had to live alone in an apparent where he is struggling with rent. Thus, he was force to take up a part-time job at the convenience store. Luckily, the school don't have any regulations against students getting a job. Even if there was one, it could easily be dealt with.

"What was that, Yuuki-kaichou?!" A frightened student asked as she and some other students exchanged scared looks.

"Hmm," Yuuki hummed as he looked away from the window. The explosions have finally stopped and the last thing Yuuki saw was Gokudera kneeling down to Tsuna. Yuuki smiled in reinsurance at the students surrounding him, "It was just some tutoring lessons. Nothing to worry about."

"Oh, okay then," the student sighed at the warm smile being directed towards her. The others behind her exchanged unsure looks, but eventually accept Yuuki's words. They have learned through experience that it was never good to question Yuuki too much on certain topics.

"Now then," Yuuki pushed away from the wall and clapped for attention, "Let's get down to business, shall we?"

Before they could start anything though, the door slammed open to reveal the principal who was out of breath from all the running he did. When he heard the explosions, he immediately booked out of his office, his body unconsciously seeking out Yuuki.

"Kimura-san, you got to help! Something is happening on the school-!" Before he could say anything more, an icy chill shot down the principal's back.

He finally took notice of the cold smile on Yuuki's face. "Don't worry, principal. It's nothing for you to be worried about. I've got everything covered."


Yuuki's smile became more forced, "NOTHING for you to worry about..."

Yuuki stared the principal down as the man nervously gulped in reply. Finally understanding the situation he was in, he slowly backed away and out of the room, afraid to receive Yuuki's wrath. Silently the door clicked shut, leaving the room to be engulfed in still silence. No one spoke for a few moments until Yuuki turned to address the students, a bright smile on his face. "Now, where was I?"

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