Chapter 17: Chaos at Mafia Land!

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"Ah, what a beautiful day," Yuuki sighed, raising her arms into a stretch, "perfect timing for our vacation." Having heard from Reborn about his idea to bring Nana and the others to Mafia Land for a vacation trip, Yuuki decided to do the same with her team. She had also invited Hibari to come, but he was busy with the Disciplinary Committee and didn't want to leave Nami-chuu unattended.

Oh well, maybe next time...

Thus, after pulling some strings and with the help of her parents, Yuuki and her team got access to the fun park. Being famous was incredible, especially when you come from an infamous group like the Vongola or the Mugen. Despite the different occupations and ignoring their alliance with each other, the Vongola Family and the Mugen clan are quite close. Many considered the Mugen clan to be the sister Family to the Vongola because of their long history together and their popularity.

Since Yuuki was on vacation and she would be surrounded by members of the underworld, she wore her more casual and less ambiguous clothing. Presently, Yuuki and her team were sitting at their assigned table in a restaurant that was located somewhere on the cruise ship that was taking them to Mafia Land. They were having dinner while they waited to arrive at their destination.

Mafia Land was created by different mafia families with the alliances centered around the Vongola Family. This included the Mugen clan. The families all pooled together money and built this island for mafia families to come and relax – a place where they can be safe from harm and not worry too much about the inner works of the underworld or their mafia identities.

There was no actual group controlling the park. It operates as its own entity and the different mafia families who funded the park simply paid for the initial creation of the park, but unlike other businesses, they have no real control over it. The individual groups simply get special benefits from it like the VIP treatment.

"Mmmm, this tastes great!" Yuuki exclaimed, chewing on the tender meat of her steak.

"This wine has a beautiful red color to it," Kazuo mused swirling the shining, red liquid around in his glistening wine glass before taking a small sip.

Before you say anything, yes, Kazuo may be a bit young for alcohol, but he had wine before as a child – it was a common occurrence where he grew up in. Besides, he was a part of the underworld; like anyone was going to stop him from drinking it.

"The sushi is not as great though. Yamamoto's father makes better sushi than this," Arata muttered, pushing the food around on his plate. If the chefs on the cruise ship were to hear his words, they would probably kill themselves out of shame or humiliation.

That was a bit excessive to say, but the words of the Clan do hold weight. It was mainly due to the fact that no one wanted to get on the bad side of the Mugen clan. A single word from the esteem members of the Mugen clan can bear heavy weight to them; they can be the best advertisement or be the harshest review for the different establishments.

"Don't play with your food, Arata." Yuuki gently reprimanded.

"Ne Shoshi, how's your hamburger?" Arata asked his twin who sat beside him, but instead of eating the feminine boy was typing away on his CompC.

"Shoshi," Yuuki narrowed her eyes. "Stop whatever you're doing and eat your hamburger before it gets cold." The Mugen may be a rich household like other mafia groups, but they do have their own set of values like being grateful for the life given to them. This included being thankful for having enough food to eat since most of the members typically came from harsher realities where things like food can be difficult to obtain. Therefore, wasting food was not necessarily a crime to them, but it was not something they encouraged.

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