Chapter 9: Daily Antics

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Yuuki merrily hummed as she headed over to Tsuna's house while carrying a large, colorfully-wrapped present in her hands. Today was a special, joyful day. A day where Yuuki was looking forward to celebrating. Her parents have regretted on not being there to join her in the celebration, but they were currently too busy with the Mugen to visit. Therefore, Yuuki hoped that her presence would be enough to accommodate for her absent parents.

Stepping up the porch of Tsuna's house, Yuuki shuffled the present onto one arm before pressing the doorbell. A few seconds later, the door opened, revealing Nana on the other side.

"Ah, good morning, Yuuki-kun," Nana greeted, smiling at the 'boy'. "Thank you for stopping by, but are you sure the school is ok with you being here?"

"They're perfectly fine with me being here. There is no need for you to worry, Nana-san," Yuuki replied as she entered the home. Yuuki intentionally left out the part where the school technically have no say in what Yuuki can and cannot do unless they want to suffer under Yuuki's wrath, but Nana did not need to know any of that.

"My, my, Tsu-kun has such reliable friends."

Placing the present aside on a table, Yuuki went to work helping Nana and Bianchi – Lambo was currently messing around as children usually do – with the preparation of a party, more specifically, a birthday party. The lucky person who was getting a party was Reborn since it was his birthday today and everyone was buzzing with excitement for it.

Speaking of birthdays, there was another birthday happening soon – tomorrow even; Tsuna's birthday. With all the hype on Reborn's party, Yuuki wondered if anyone even remembered the younger boy's important day. Better yet, she hoped that Tsuna does not think it was his party everyone was getting eager for. The only reason she knew about his birthday in the first place was because she had to read up on Tsuna during the beginning of her mission and commit the basic information into her mind – this included Tsuna's birthday. What better way to get closer to your target than to please them on their special day?

Near the late afternoon, when school have just about ended and students were heading back to their home, Yamamoto, Gokudera, and Haru eventually made their arrival at Tsuna's house. Unfortunately, once Gokudera stepped through the doors, he saw his sister and immediately gotten sick, rendering him unable to be there to greet the birthday boy.

"Quick! He's coming," Nana yelled, noticing through the window that Reborn was walking down the neighborhood street alongside with Tsuna. She ushered everyone to the door where all of them got into their spots. We waited in silence with our party popper in ready position. When the door opened, we all popped our poppers and shouted, "Happy Birthday!", which startled the young Vongola Boss.

Confetti and ribbons rained and drifted down over a confused Tsuna while Reborn stood beside him, smiling in delight. "Thank you." Reborn said, further surprising Tsuna. Apparently Tsuna was not aware that Reborn was walking beside him the whole way there.

What a great mafia boss he was....

"Eh?!" Tsuna exclaimed. He was confused, having a hard time processing the situation. What was going on?

"I appreciated that you guys gathered here for me today."


"You're welcome, Reborn," Yuuki beamed in happiness, sneaking a glance at Tsuna. From what she can discern of his facial expressions, it seemed that her assumption and worries were spot-on; Tsuna did think that they were preparing for his birthday.

"I'm one-year-old now." It really was a great accomplishment. Not everyone got the luxury to celebrate their 1st birthday again, especially one where they could remember it.

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