Chapter 8: Fest & Death

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Days went by and before long the season of the Athletic Fest came fast approaching. Nami-chuu was buzzing with activity as the students came together to prepare for the big event. All the students scurried to bring the festival to life with Yuuki maintaining watch over everything. As the student body president, it was her job to make sure that everyone was on task and that the whole festival become a success.

Aside from the preparations, many students were eager for the event. The school was divided into three team during the fest and the competition between the teams can get quite heated, especially during the pole knocking event where the leaders of each team try to stay on top of their respective poles and the team members had to try to knock the enemy's leader over.

"Ne, ne, have you heard? Team A's leader is a first-year, Sawada Tsuna from class 1-A," a female student gossiped to her friends as they painted a banner for their team.

"No way! I thought Ryouhei-kun was the leader."

"I heard that Ryouhei-kun nominated a different leader because he wanted to participate in the event. He apparently ordered the group to vote for Sawada as their leader."

"How typical of him."

"I hope you ladies are doing your work," a voice interrupted their gossiping. The girls glanced up and blushed when they realized that it was their president. Yuuki quirked an eyebrow and the girls snapped back to their work. Seeing them work, Yuuki nodded in satisfaction before she maneuvered through the hallways, mindful of the scattered students working on their respective tasks. While she walked, Yuuki contemplated on the information she received from the girls' gossiping.

It does seem like something Ryouhei would do, going by what Yuuki have observed of the boy. Ryouhei was a severely ambitious classmate of Yuuki who seemed to like to do things to the extreme end of things, especially when it came down to boxing.

Tsuna was officially acquainted with Ryouhei during a misunderstood boxing event. It was amusing since her classmate had come running up to her in the hallway with an application form for Tsuna to join the boxing club. Yuuki knew Reborn had something to do with it, but she accepted it anyway. It took Tsuna a few days after the affair to realized that he somehow joined the club and had to make a request to quit. As Yuuki said, the whole thing was comical to witness.

"Hey!" Yuuki suddenly shouted, noticing a student on a ladder without someone watching over him. "Someone become his watcher and make sure he doesn't fall!"


Throughout the week, Yuuki gave out multiple orders to students and made sure that everything was set up properly: the field, the score board, the photographers, the announcement tent, the stage, and the first-aid tent. Some of the Disciplinary Committee members even helped with the preparation, but Hibari himself, mostly avoided the set-up because of the crowding. Apart from that, Hibari knew that Yuuki was capable at handling all the proceedings and so she didn't need his help. Moreover, if there were any problems, he would have a report of it by the end of the day.

Eventually the day of the Athletic Fest finally arrived and everyone was in high spirit. There was a competitive rivalry sparking between each team as they competed against each other to see who will become the overall winner. Yuuki was not able to participate because of her role as the student council president. She had to stay under the announcement tent to supervise the whole event.

On the borders of the large field were a crowd of friends and families who came to cheer for their loved ones. Amongst the masses, Yuuki could see Haru, Bianchi, Nana, and Lambo, cheering for Tsuna and the others. Yuuki already knew who those people were, having gathered their personal information once they made contacted with Tsuna.

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