Chapter 18: Reminiscing at the Beach!

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It was summer and the weather was just perfect for going to the beach. Luckily, everyone was invited to the beach by Ryouhei who was helping out a senpai with lifeguarding duties.

Yuuki's team had already gone off ahead of her since they were carpooling with Tsuna, Yamamoto, Gokudera, Haru, and Kyoko. As she has mentioned before in previous chapters, Yuuki has a strong aversion to cars and so, she decided to take the public bus instead.

How is a bus different from a car?

Simple – the amount of movable space. Yuuki hated to be restrained or caged in. It was not a fear – she was not claustrophobic – it was just a deep, irrational hatred for it.

Yuuki supposed she was similar to Hibari in that aspect – like a cloud, they cannot be constrained – Yuuki just had an absurd loathing for it.

Well, it was not necessarily unreasonable, just highly stained with paranoia. You see, Yuuki likes to be prepared for any sort of attack, and being in a car with little moving room limits many of her options if something were to happen. So, it was not completely unreasonable.

Therefore, vehicles that have a lot of inner space like a bus, or even ones with no borders like motorcycles were better options for Yuuki.

Seeing how no one could possibly recognize her, Yuuki decided to forsake her disguise and dress normally. She had on a black bikini under a white T-shirt and jean shorts – nice and simple. Moreover, she got a large beach bag to carry some of her essentials. Yuuki had just exited her front gate when the sounds of a motorcycle stopped her in her tracks.

A familiar motorcycle pulled up in front of Yuuki. "Hibari? What are you doing here?" Yuuki tilted her head.

"The baby told me to take you to the beach," Hibari said, straightening up in his seat. The smooth motion drew Yuuki's gaze to his outfit.

"Oh," Yuuki adverted her eyes when she saw that Hibari was shirtless, "OK then." The boy was wearing some swimming trunks and a light, black jacket. Involuntarily, Yuuki's gaze went back to scan Hibari's form causing Hibari to smirk when he noticed her stare.

Feeling a bit of tension in the air, Yukuki looked up and saw Hibari smirking at her. It took her a minute to realize what she did. Once she did, Yuuki sputtered for a moment before coughing, her cheeks turning red in embarrassment.

"Are you coming with us to the beach, Hibari?" Yuuki asked, trying to divert his attention to something else.

"Hn," Hibari agreed, but looked a bit reluctant to go.

"Let's go then," Yuuki avoided Hibari's stare and got onto the motorcycle. Knowing how fast Hibari tends to drive, Yuuki secured her bag onto her lap and forced herself to wrap her arms around Hibari's semi-bare torso. His muscle clenched upon Yuuki's touch, sending a shiver down Yuuki's spine.

Yuuki was not sure why she was acting this way. She had seen naked male bodies before, but for some reason, Hibari's was affecting her the most. Yuuki scooted forward to get a better grip, unaware of how her chest pressed snuggly against Hibari's back.

Oblivious to Yuuki, Hibari's grip on the motorcycle's handlebars tightens upon feeling the soft female behind him. With Yuuki secured, Hibari revved the motorcycle and the pair drove off to the beach. They drove in complete silence, simply enjoying the weather, the fresh breeze, and each other's presence.

Eventually, the pair arrived at the beach which was filled with people and families. Once Hibari parked the bike, Yuuki hopped off with her things and stretched, unaware of the stares she was gaining.

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