Chapter 19 Alyssa lies part two and Niall

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Soon all the others come back, Alanna is asleep and Niall is awake and smiles as everyone comes in. They help Abigail back onto her bed.

" Louis, Zayn me and Alanna need to talk to you, we need to have a private talk, this is extremely important" Niall said

" why Niall? What's the matter?" Louis asked

" I can't say it here, not with everyone here, that won't be a good idea. And Alanna needs to be awake as well, so we can talk" Niall said

" okay, let's do it once Alanna wakes up okay?" Louis suggests

" okay Louis" Niall said softly.

" nini how you feeling?" Asked Braylee

" I am fine Braylee, I am hurting a bit, and it's a tad hard to breathe, but I am making it." Niall said

" oh okay, well I am glad you are doing okay though, cause I love you and you are the bestest big brother ever"Braylee said with a smile

" thanks baby girl, you are the bestest little sister ever. And remember what I told you and Alanna, that I will never leave you guys never, you are my sisters and I will always be here for you okay?" Niall said

" I know Nini, I know don't you worry" Braylee said hugging Niall

" Abbie how you feeling?" Asked Katie

" good just in a little pain, but everything seems to be good for me" Abbie said

" that's good, I am glad to hear that. Maybe you can come home soon" Katie said with a smile

" yea maybe I can, I can't wait to be home with you guys, I miss you guys and home so much" Abbie said

" I bet, we miss you too so much and Nini too, it's just not the same with you missing" Katie said

" yea, it's not the same not being with you guys, it feels like I am missing things" Abbie said

" yea that's how it is for us to" Katie said

Alanna wakes up now.

" NiNi?" Asked Alanna

" yes baby?" Asked Niall

" I wake, talk to Zayn? Louis?" Alanna asked

" of course" Niall said

" thank you NiNi" Alanna said

" Zayn, Louis can we talk?" Asked Niall

" sure we can buddy, can you walk?" Asked Zayn

" not really" Niall said sadly

" well I can carry you" Zayn said

" okay Zayn" Niall said

So Zayn picks up Niall and Louis picks up Alanna and they walk outside and into a unused room, patients and families can use.

" so what is it, you have to talk to us about?" Asked Louis

" it's more of what Alanna has to tell you guys, she told me. And it's like super important to tell someone" Niall said

" okay, so Alanna can you please tell me and Zayn? You have our full attention" Louis said

" okay" Alanna said with a small smile.

" I meet a new friend at school, her name is Alyssa, and she is seven like me. But Alyssa she lies to the teachers at school, she doesn't like to me, but only to the teachers, about what happens at home and where her bruises come from" Alanna said

" oh dear sweety, go on" Zayn said already aware of what she will say.

" what does she lie about?" Asked Louis

" she comes to school with lots of bruises and marks. And she only has two clothes she wears cause that's all she has. Her daddy, he beats her and her older sister amber, he beats them bad. And she can't do nothing about it, she needs help loulou, and zaynie" Alanna said and she is crying a bit.

" oh my dear, that is so horrible. Baby we will do whatever we can to help Alyssa and her sister I promise okay? We will get them out their house okay?" Zayn said

" yes we will make sure, they are okay. Do you understand?" Louis said

" yes I understand, can we take them in please? They have no one, and they need to feel wanted and loved, and I know you two can do that, and we will love them so much" Alanna said

" baby girl, I can't promise we can take them in, but I can do whatever I can to make it happen okay? I will do whatever I can, to get Alyssa and Amber out of their home and into our care okay?" Zayn said

" okay zaynie, they need us" Alanna said

" I know baby, I know. We will save them" Zayn said

" thanks zaynie and loulou, I love you both so much" Alanna said as she hugs Zayn and Louis so much.

" I love you too baby girl" Louis and Zayn said

" yay!!" Alanna said

" guys I don't feel so good" Niall said in a whisper

" oh my god, what's happening? Get a doctor now Louis" Zayn said rushing to nialls side.

" Niall stay with us buddy" Zayn said as he holds Niall.

Niall passed out in zayns arms, and his breathing is faint. Alanna starts getting worried. Louis rushes to get a doctor.

A doctor rushes over and takes Niall and brings him to the empty room, right next to Abbie and nialls your room. Alanna is crying, but Zayn and Louis are trying to be strong.

" baby shhh shhh it's okay, Niall will be just fine I promise okay?" Zayn said as he picks up Alanna

" o okay" Alanna said as she still cries

Zayn walks in with Alanna in his arms and Louis comes in.

" where is NiNi?" Asked Braylee

" he ummm passed out and something happened, a doctor took him to run test" Louis said

" oh my god no not again" Braylee said trying not to cry.

All the girls look worried and tears start coming down. Zayn and Louis comfort them with the help of Liam and Harry.

They all wait on anything on Niall...............

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