Chapter Twenty-Seven Secret Guest? Who?

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Recap of the last chapter ending

The three of them talk for a while and watch some tv as well.

Then there is a knock on the door, Abby says come in, so the person does.

" what are you doing here?" Bryana asked worried

" you aren't suppose to be here" Niall said

" I don't want to see you" Bryana says

" I have come to see you, I miss you" the mystery person says

" I don't want to see you......................."Bryanna says

" but I'm your dad and you love me. I'm sorry about everything I've put you four through. I really do love you" the mystery person known as their dad says

" I don't love you no more! You treated us like trash ever since you and mama broke up! And your wife is so mean to us. I don't love you, and I know your aren't sorry for what you did. So save it and just leave" Bryanna says harshly

" you don't even have permission to see us, you jackass. How the hell did you even know we were here? I want nothing to do with you, and neither does Bryanna! As for Alanna, she barely remembers you, and wouldn't want you here. And Lilly she knows nothing about you, just leave." Niall says angry, and then starts coughing, he's still not feeling well.

" the hell I do, you are my children, and I'm allow to see my children. And because the hospital called to inform me about my son in the hospital. Where are my precious little daughters Alanna and Lilly anyways? Why aren't they here? And well I want to change that, I can fight for guardianship of all four of you if I like, and I think that's best. The girls living with you and the boys isn't good for them, I think they need to live with me, and your stepmother, stepbrother and sister, and the twins, we could be a happy family again" the dad said

" why the hell would they do that! You aren't even in my emergency list! Alanna and Lilly are with Louis, and away from you, which is good! And to the hell you can! You can't fight for guardianship, you wouldn't even win! Louis is our legal guardian and so is mom! Not you! And no I will not let you take my sisters away from me to live with you and your bitch wife and your stupid children! Your wife hates us! Why don't you just leave!" Niall says angrily and sits up even though it hurt.

" because I am legally still your father, so it's an obligation for them to call the parents. Where's your mom anyhow? Didn't decide to show? And yes I can fight for guardianship, I am on yours, Bryanna, Alanna, and Lilly birth certificate, so I can and will fight for guardianship, I'll be a better guardian father to you, than any of the boys. And don't you ever call my beautiful wife a bitch again? Do you understand that? I will punish you! And my children, are your siblings you know, and you should treat them that way." Their father says, now yelling at Niall and Bryanna.

" you can't make us away! I don't want to go with you! I want to stay with Louis and Niall! I hate you! You are the worst father ever!" Screams Bryanna on the verge of tears. 

" mom was here yesterday for your information, though that's none of your business. She had to work today, so had to leave. And I'll fight against that, you can't have guardianship of us, we will fight it and mum will help. So will Louis. I will never call that women a mum or anything like that, she's a bitch. And your children know even know us, they aren't our siblings. My siblings are Bryanna, Alanna and Lilly, and that's it. Louis and his sisters are more of a brother and sisters than her children ever will be to us" Niall says yelling, and starts pressing his, he needs a nurse button, so if his father tries anything, there is a witness.

So Niall, Bryanna, and Their father keep arguing about everything. Their father hit Niall, and tried to hit Bryanna, well spank her, but even with Niall being hurt, he wouldn't let him.
Just as their father is yelling horrible things and trying to grab Bryanna, two nurses walk in.

" sir it's time for you to go. I can now see that this isn't best for our patient Niall. I'm going to need you to leave, and when you have calmed down and gotten yourself a lawyer or something, than you can see your children again, until then, you won't me allow in their room or hospital. If you don't leave, I'll call security." The nurse says upset, as she goes to Niall.

" his heart rate is way too high, and his breathing is getting harder. He needs to calm down, before he goes into shock" the nurse says to the other nurse who writes it down.

" I'll be back, and I'll see my children" their father says and leaves.
" I love you both" he says with a smile to Niall and Bryanna.

" Niall I need you to lay back and calm down. You need to breathe in and out. Your heart rate and blood pressure is skyrocketing, and that's not good. Calm down, he's gone" the nurse says to Niall as she checks his blood pressure.

" hey sweet girl, I know you aren't our patient. But you need to calm down, you are hyperventilating, and that's not good for your health, you need to breathe" the other nurse says to Bryanna, who is breathing hard, and tears fall down her face.

" yes ma'am, I'll try and calm down." Niall says and lays down like the nurse asked. He also grabs his inhaler.

" thank you ma'am, I just need my inhaler" Bryanna says softly and grabs her inhaler from her backpack.

" thank you Niall, just think of something happy, and try to relax, and you'll get better" The nurse says softly

Bryanna uses her inhaler and sits down in the chair, and tries to breathe normal.
Niall nurse gets him all comfortable, and he starts to calm down and breathe better, and then he uses his inhaler, so it will help him.

" I'm going to get you both a juice, and some water, to help" one of the nurses say and leaves the room.

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