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"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened."

― Dr. Seuss

16th October, 2025

I've spent almost 153 hours of my entire lifetime in my orthopaedic class, learning about one of the most magnificent works of the universe - the human skeleton. I bet Michelangelo would find his artworks insignificant when he'd marvel at the wonders of nature. I've always been fascinated with bones. I'm sure you're not completely oblivious about my obsession with distinct collarbones. So yes - Orthopaedics was, without any doubt, my favourite class. And no, it's not because you were in my class. Though I'll admit, your deep, brown eyes did divert my attention quite a few times. Okay, a lot of times. Do you remember Patrick? Yes, that lunatic. He still does his typical 'wombat' dance. I remember how awkward you looked when he forced you to dance with him at our wedding. Patrick still talks about you and all your weird habits - how you'd hate it when someone touched your neck, how you'd literally carry a spray-wash can and a handkerchief to clean the seats before sitting at the cinemas because of your weird notion that you'd contract some rare disease off the dust on there, how you'd always wear that blue sweater I gifted you on your birthday even though you hated blue and I could go on and on. You were one cheeky little snowflake. If I believed in a God, I'd thank him endlessly everyday in my prayers for creating such a lovely being. Your presence always made people happy like the way the stars twinkle when they greet the moon. You were the best cup of Earl Grey tea in the entire damn world. You were the creases in the books I hold beloved. You were my lovely Kate - and I know this sounds super cheesy and you hated super cheesy things but you meant the world to me. Hey, you'd have to admit though; our love story is very cheesy. We could even be immortalized by a teen fiction writer. Remember those whispered phone conversations at midnight we'd have when your parents thought you were asleep? Those nights spent sleepless because all we both could think of was to stare into each other's eyes? Those Polaroids of us making goofy faces that you'd always carry in your wallet? Yep, pretty much cheesy if you ask me. Thank you so much for our lovely Midnight Conversations.

I can't sleep at nights these days, though. I just can't help but recreate your sleeping silhouette next to mine in my bed. I can still smell your cologne in my bedsheets. I miss those days when we'd discuss and debate about Kepler's laws of planetary motion whilst being completely naked, wrapped up together in a Winnie the Pooh blanket. I remember tracing triangles and pentagons on your collar bones when you'd fall asleep. You were a heavy sleeper. You could even sleep through an earthquake. Who knew that one day, you'd fall asleep forever.

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