12:35 am

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"We're all a little weird. And life is a little weird. And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall into mutually satisfying weirdness—and call it love—true love." 
― Robert Fulghum, True Love

12:35 am

8th April, 2015

*Kate brought a glass of orange juice from the refrigerator and began reading the next entry*

3rd October, 2013

Okay so I've eaten 3 pancakes, a super size 10 piece chicken McNugget, two large fries along with some diet coke and eggs and I'm still hungry. I don't think this is normal. My appetite has increased way too much. I'm starting to gain quite a lot of weight. Anyway, Florida is pretty cool. The people here are quite chill and fun to hang around with. There's this girl named Kate in my class. She seems super loving and friendly. And I daresay the prettiest girl I've ever seen. Like, she's insanely beautiful – just like one of those models from Gucci and D&G. Well, I haven't spoken to her much. I'm not used to talking to such ridiculously gorgeous girls yet. But Florida has set high standards so I might as well stop being a chicken about it.

*She smiled. Well, blushed to be more accurate.*

I need to rant: My binders are making me go I-N-S-A-N-E. I hate wearing this stupid thing around my chest to hide my bosom. It's not comfortable at all. The worst part is going to school wearing this. My body hurts so bad – my chest almost becomes sore from it. And the universe has "blessed" me with a rather big chest so binding is one hell of a task early morning. I can't wait until I'm old enough to have surgery to remove these stupid, gigantic masses of fat from my chest.

My relatives came over last night and let's just say it was pure torture for me. They obviously knew about my transitioning – Everyone in my family had to know about it. Only then would my psychiatrist pass me to take T shots. And Harry, this stupid cousin brother of mine, has been constantly giving me strange looks as if I were some hippie drug dealer with a cocaine addiction. But it's fine, I'm genuinely used to it now. 

*Kate then, as usual, proceeded to call John.*

John: Hey

Kate: Hey hey hey!

John: I've already told you not to add too much sugar in your coffee at night.

Kate: Be quiet. I need to tell you something really interesting!

John: And what would that be?

Kate: So I was reading random articles on the internet yesterday and I stumbled upon this one based on the painting Mona Lisa by Leonardo Di Vinci. It was pretty interesting. It stated that it could possibly be the female visual portrayal of Da Vinci himself. Leonardo Da Vinci was, what some researchers believe, a transvestite. And he thought of imagining himself as a woman and painted the said celebrated painting. And I don't know, I thought about you while reading it. Gender identity issues did seem to exist back then too, presumably. 

John: That's new. I've heard that the woman was Lisa Gherardini, who was 24-years-old and a mother of two sons back then when she posed for the painting. I'll look it up either-way. 

Kate: ...do you imagine yourself as a proper man? As in, you know, biologically.

John: Of course. But I'm not as artistic as Da Vinci to express it on paper. I can't draw for shit. If you tell me to draw a boy - it would probably look like a ball balanced on a feeble stick with questionable branches.  

Kate: *laughs* Anyway, I've been reading your journal and I noticed my name somewhere; not really sure what it said about me. Could you remind me?

John: All I remember writing was that my doctor was as hot as a new furnace.

Kate: I hate you.

John: But you love me.

 Kate: That's irrelevant. 

Dedicated to @stilled. She was my first online friend on here and she's so cool and awesome and fun to talk and so random and did I mention cool? Sadly, she's on an uninformed hiatus and I miss her so much! Go check out her works! I personally like Under The Rain. It's based off TFIOS so all you Gus fanatics - Go read it right now! 

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