10:10 pm

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"You can close your eyes to things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart to the things you don't want to feel"

- Unknown

10:10 pm

7th April, 2015

*Kate then started with the next diary entry*

2nd September, 2013.

So I finally got my first testosterone shot. I was given 1 ml of T. I was a bit nervous and shaky at the clinic today. Thankfully, it wasn't painful as I had presumed it to be. However, it was scary. Now, I'm normally very brave when it comes to needles and stuff but this needle was so gigantic! The nurse had instructed me as to how to go about with injecting myself but I just couldn't do it. I was scared and so sure that I'd pass out right after I inject myself. So I told my nurse to do the honours. It's so much more easier when someone else does it for you. Interesting human psychology. We're scared that we'd screw up but we'd totally trust a random stranger to do so only because they hold a particular degree. I bet the nerves would get to them most of the time, considering so many people trust them and expect so much from them.

We're planning to move to Florida next week. It would slightly disturb my transitioning schedule and I'd have to meet new people. It might suck, new children at school. Socialising. Making new friends. It'll be hard work indeed. I hope all the odds are in my favour.

I think I should sleep now.

*Kate calls up John*

John: Hey. What's up?

Kate: Nothing, just bored. And maybe I wanted to hear your voice.

John: *speaks in a morbid voice* Oh really?

Kate: Haha... anyway listen up! I have a question.

John: Hmm?

Kate: How was your first shot like? I want to hear it from you.

John: Pain in the arse. Like, literally.

Kate: You were injected in your tush?

John: Yep. Sweet memories.

Kate: *chuckles* so the nurse got to see it but not me?

John: Patience is a virtue.

Kate: Oh sure.  

 A/N: Guys, please don't be scared to point out any typos! I make too many of them and somehow, despite proofreading twice, I miss them :/ 

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