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I didn't want to get out of bed. This is something that I'm sure is common among all teenagers, all for different reasons, but common nonetheless. My reason was that I wasn't sure if I was ready for what I was about to find out. Somethig had always been different with me, even before I changed, I'm worried that there might actually be an explanation that I don't want to hear.
So as the birds outside were creating noise to fill my ears, accompanied by the complaining of my empty stomach, I got out of bed, didn't bother putting clothes on (especially since they brought me here with none and didn't give me any, don't forget I am covered in fur), sort of did my hair, and went to the 'common room' as Dr Wever called it.
And he was there already, eating breakfast.
"Ah! James! Please, come and sit!"
I didn't have any friends at this joint so far, in fact there wasn't anyone here anyway, so I decided I may as well sit next to him.
"Morning, James. Hungry?" he said as he pushed a plate with six strips of bacon and three eggs all somehow on one piece of toast on it towards me.
"Yes thanks" I said as I gratefully accepted the food. As I was eating he began talking to me.
"So James, I want to apologize for your journey here, I didn't mean for it to be so, ruff. I am pleased to tell you though that the people I had in charge of your trip have already been dispatched to another field of work"
"As in like, another company you own, or..."
"no, no, no. I fired them. But I made sure they received new jobs with a high enough income to sufficiently support their day to day needs. But not as much as they were paid here"
"But enough about them, they're gone, put them out of your mind. Time to talk about you!"
(can't I just have a normal conversation for once)
"You have a big day today, you need to know what's going on!"
"So, here's the plan; I'll send you off to have a bit of a wash up, then I'll give you a tour of this place, an explanation of what we do here, and how your relate to it. But by then I'm sure you'll figure it out, you're a pretty smart guy I hear"
A couple of seconds of  awkward silence was enough to make me realise he was waiting for a response.
"Oh, I wouldn't say that"
"Really? Your maths and science semester reports for the last five years beg to differ. Do you see anything other than A+?"
"That's only maths and science, have you seen my english results?"
"C+ was your lowest"
"and B- was my highest"
"Not everything is about what you can do on paper"

I wasn't sure what to say next. So I decided to change the subject, well my stomach did anyway. It made the loudest noise I've ever heard a stomach make, mind you I haven't heard many stomachs in my lifetime.
"Well James, seems like you're still hungry!"
"No sorry, just ignore that, I'm not sure why it did that"
"James, when was the last time you ate?"
"A minute ago"
"No, before now"
As I think back on the past events, last night, the journey here, the funeral, getting ready for the funeral, the morning I found out, the night before that. That is when I last ate.
"Two days ago last night"
"See! You must be starving, I'll go get you some more"
"No wait! If I haven't eaten for two or more days, I can't eat too much straight away, I may end up with some unhealthy effects. It's not healthy"
"Really? You sure?"
"Yes, I know"
"I just know this stuff, when I read something I'm not likely to forget it"
"My point exactly"
He was smiling, a big smile. And I realised that he got me, he manged to get me to unknowingly prove that I am smart, not always in my knowledge, that wasn't the point. But in my application of my natural skill to pick things up, just like that.
Well done Mr Wever.
"Nice trick"
"It's easier than it looks, if you mange to apply enough pressure on someone, they'll forget what they were trying to focus on and instead move their focus on the pressing issue, leaving the previous subject unguarded. You won't read that in a book!
Now go get yourself washed up, I'll be expecting you for the tour back here by 11am"
I looked at my watch, the one item of clothing that they gave me last night, it was already 8:30, as if I would be able to have a full wash and dry and comb before 11, oh well, I'm sure he would understand if I was a bit late.
"OK, thanks for brekkie, see you at 11!"
"See you James, I'll send you the location of the showers now, enjoy!"
My watch soon vibrated and I knew it would be the location so I opened the message up and then went to the showers.

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