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[the week after]

"So, one more time. What are you going to do?"

"Think before I speak, listen to him, be natural."

James nodded, "Good."

"Thanks. I'm still a bit nervous, though."

"It's understandable. First dates are often petrifying. Well, sometimes. When was your last first date?"

Thomas shrugged, "I don't know... when I was like sixteen."

"What was it like?"

"It was chilled. I mean, we were kids."

"Yeah. Just think back to the way you acted on that date. You'll be fine."

Thomas nodded, "Thanks."

"Anytime," James said, pulling out a lollipop from his pocket and opening it, "I still find it weird that you're going on a date on a Tuesday."

Thomas shrugged, eyeing James' lollipop as it went into his mouth, "Well tomorrow was the day we were both free, so."

The latter nodded, "I get it. You'll be fine."

"I will be. Uh, James, I have a question."

"Shoot." James said, crossing his arms.

"What's up with you and lollipops these days?"

James paused then shrugged, "I like lollipops."

"Yeah, but you always seem to have one. Like... everyday more than once a day you pull one out. I mean, nothing wrong with it. I'm just curious."

James nodded, "I get it. I kinda just have them I guess."

"Okay... could I have one?"

"Sure. What flavour?"

Thomas shrugged, "Don't really mind. You got coca?"

"'Course," James replied, taking a Coca-Cola flavoured lollipop out of his laptop bag and handing it to Thomas. Thomas took it, examining it a bit.

"How many you got stored?"

James chuckled, "Depends, really. Some days more than others."

"Don't you get sick?"

"No... I mean, it's not like I eat like five every ten seconds. I have like, I don't know, three a day. Maybe four. They're a really nice brand."

"I see," Thomas answered, putting his lollipop in his mouth, "Mm, nice."

James smiled, "See?"

Thomas nodded again, "Mhm."

James just smiled again and looked down then back up. He tried not to make it noticeable, but Thomas still caught it. That was the type of smile which appeared at a pleasing memory. He decided not to ask, the situation being rather trivial in itself. He just shrugged and let it be.

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