«Insane Interactions»

350 24 61

Y E S-
warning: t e a


Thomas woke up thinking about what happened the night before: James being upset about him and Penny, and this Hercules dude who was just suspicious to Thomas. He had so many questions: why was James so upset, anyway? How long had he been upset for? Why didn't he just tell Thomas the first time? And Hercules. Who was he to James, really? Why did he show up at James' place at 9 pm? Had James really been expecting him? Why the hell would he come to James' place with an Uber, claim to be meant to be staying over with literally nothing else other than his phone? It didn't add up. Whatever, he thought, shaking his head. He was probably putting too much thought into this.


After Thomas left for work he figured he probably was just overthinking things and all this was probably nothing, so told himself to focus on what was important. Plus, James had seemed fine all day, although he made sure not to bring it up in case he really did get a blow to the jaw because James was the type. While packing up after work, James remembered something.

"Hey, I got somethin' for ya," he paused and pulled a gigantic lollipop out of his laptop bag, the ones which take a week to finish and handed it to Thomas who took it from him.

"Wow," he said, examining it, "uh, thanks. What for?"

James shrugged as he zipped his laptop bag up, "No reason, I guess. There were a few extra so Her- uhhh, I just thought why not." Shit, he thought, that was close. Thomas frowned because that sentence sounded off. But he nodded.


"Shall we?" James asked, grabbing his (hydro)flask off the desk. Thomas nodded again and followed him out of the office. On their way to James' place, whilst in the car, Thomas found himself thinking again. He needed to ask James a few questions because the last few days had been kinda weird. He desperately wanted to ask about Hercules but knew that probably wouldn't be the best idea considering what he'd said the night before about acting like they hadn't met. But he was curious as to why. He sighed and just let it be, things would soon make sense. Hopefully.

They arrived soon enough. A weird feeling filled James' gut when they did. He wasn't sure why and decided to ignore it which he probably shouldn't have because maybe if he'd taken regard for it, his brain might've worked better. Thomas left the rest of his stuff in the car, only grabbing his phone. He waited at the door while James locked and unlocked it multiple times, probably forgetting he'd left it unlocked in the first place.

Well, let's just say, that wasn't the only thing he'd forgotten about.


"Yo," Thomas called from the couch as he stood up, "I'm going to the bathroom real quick. Be right back."

"A'ight," James called back from the kitchen.

Thomas made his way up the stairs to James' bedroom which, weirdly enough, had the door closed although there was no one in it. Or, so he thought. But he ignored the fact because people do things sometimes. He grabbed the handle and pushed the door open, his eyes widening at the view before his eyes.

Right there, in James' bed, was a man. Asleep. Totally nude though lying on his stomach. Half of his body was uncovered so Thomas could see one arm, one leg and one buttock. he could also see one dimple in his back. But what was even more shocking was that said man had a half sucked lollipop in his hand and had on a purple bandana. Said man was Mulligan. 

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