Male Vampire x Reader

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(When you first met him)

You were laying in your  bed, you eyes wide open as you stare at the ceiling of your room. Once again you couldn't sleep. For awhile now you have a hard time sleeping, usally only getting a few hours of sleep almost everyday, so you end up tierd most of the time almost every day. You sighed as you sat up in your bed, rubbing your eyes as they adjust to the dark. You yawned as you turned on the tv, maybe some noice might help you sleep. You switched the tv to a channel you picked as you layed back down and let out a soft sigh, soon closing your eyes, keeping them closed as you tried to sleep. You rolled over to your side and keep trying to sleep, it felt like time was flying by when you had your eyes closed, but in realility you only had them closed for a minute when it felt like an hour.

Soon you start to feel something, like someone is watching you. You rolled over to the other side, facing to the tv as you held your blanket close to you, trying to make this feeling go away. This feeling grew more and more as you finally open your eyes as you lift your head up to look around. You didnt see anything as you sighed in relief, laying your head back down as you shut your eyes once again, trying to sleep. You were slowly falling into slumber as you heard very quiet creaking noices coming from your window, you thought it was something hitting it as the creaking kept continuing. Soon it stopped, it was silent for a moment as you heard the window creak, sounding like it was shut closed as you quickly sat up in your bed and open your eyes to glare at the window. You saw nonthing as you stratch your head, I... thought I heard something.." you said quietly to yourself as you heard a deep chuckle.

"It was me" his voice was deep and smoothing. You looked around to only see a pair of deep red eyes in the corner of your room. You kept looking as your eyes adjust to the dark but still couldn't see this male who is in your room. "Who are you?" you said quietly, trying not to sound scared. He chuckled once again, "I'm (Crush Name), who are you?" you can feel that he is smiling as you gulp, "I-Im (y/n)" you said. "Nice to meet you (y/n) thats a beautiful name." God his voice was music to your ears. Soon he walked towards you, your tv shinned on him as you saw his figure. He is a tall and pale male, with white hair with deep red eyes, he smiled as you saw his fangs, they were long and sharp. "I'm a vampire as you can tell." He laughed, "I promise not to hurt you." He said as his smile became more friendly.

(When he asked you out)

Ever since you met him you felt something, you felt trust in him, even though you just met him back then lol. You felt safe towards him, you felt many things with him, even love. A few months has passed after you first met him, he comes to your room every night and every so and then he comes during the day to hang out with you. (Crush name) felt the same way with you, when he met you he felt something about you, something different about you then others, he felt happy and also felt love. You wanted to ask him out but you were to afraid to ask, you were afraid of the worst thing, rejection. But you were going to wait, wait to see if he is going to ask you out one day, and you hoped he does.

You were sitting on the ground with (Crush name) as you were playing your favorite video game on loud volume in the middle of the night while everyone was sleeping lol. You and (Crush name) took turns playing as you had to teach him just a few things but he quickly new what to do. You cant help it but to blush when your around him, and cant help it to blush even more when he's right next to you, you just felt safe and happy around him, even when you have a huge crush on him cant help you but blush. It was the same for him, he blushes around you a lot, and it's even more noticable because he is very pale lol and you sometimes make fun for him for blushing by calling him, cherry or strawberry. But he does the same for you, either calling you cutiepie or sweetcheeks but he always call you, love. lol 

Soon (Crush name) paused the game and turned to you, he stared deeply into your eyes, "(Y/n) I been meaning to tell you something, and ask you something also." His voice rumbled in his chest as you slowly nodded, "What is it?" you spoke, wanting to know whats he going to say. "I like you, I like you a lot. When I met you I felt something about you, I felt things I never felt before in my life." He went quiet for a second before speaking again, soon putting his hands on yours. "Would you... go out with me?" He was asking you out, your heart burst into joy when he said those words as you nodded, agreeing with him. "Y-Yes (Crush name)" You tried to keep the excitement in as in one swift move he hugged you, he hugged tighter by the second as he sighed into your ear, his warm breath gave you the chills, "Now we are together." He said softly as he kept hugging you, soon leaning his head back to kiss your forehead, soon looking down apon you as he placed his lips on yours, his lips were warm and soft as he kissed you deeply. "Mine" he said during the kiss, "You are only mine." He said before giving one more kiss on your lips.

(THERE WE GO!!! I was trying to think how I should do this one and I think I like it lol I'm sorry for the spelling and the grammer lol Also sorry if it's confusing to you or went to fast or cheesy IDK. Next week will be the smut chapter hehe~ lol and also Christmas is only 14 days away!!! I cant wait for Christmas! lol I hope you all have a good day and week and I will see you all next week!)

(Question of the week: Have you decorated for Christmas yet?)
If you haven't decorated then...
(Question of the week: If you were to have superpowers, what would you have? and Why?)

Male Beasts/Monsters x Fem! ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя