Male Merman x Reader

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(This was from a request! Thanks @Dragonflies3 for the request!)
(Hope you enjoy!)

(When you first met him)

You were sitting on the ground with a very large ocean in front of you, you come to this place everyday to watch the waves move and see some fish move around. You leaned back slightly as your back pressed against the tree, it was cool day outside and you decided to spend the day there, you were just amazed by the ocean. You sighed as you kept watching the ocean, seeing fish swim around and some even jumping out of the water and soon going back in as you soon start to see a large black thing in the ocean. You leaned in slightly to see a male underwater swimming around, you were confused as you look down and see that he was half fish (or whatever its called lol) you jumped back as you kept staring at the merman, soon he stared right back at you. He kept staring at you as he slowly swam to surface, his head and his body was above water as the rest stayed underwater. He is a tall pale male with slight muscle, he has a long black tail and short black hair, his ears were also black and kinda fish like.

"Who are you?" His voice is deep and smoothing as he stared calmly into your eyes, not wanting to scare you. "I-I'm (Y/n)" You said quietly, he grinned as he became more calm, he rest his body on the grass as he stared at you, he felt something form you, he knew you were different than the others. "I'm (Crush Name) and as you can tell, i'm a merman" he giggled quietly as he lift his tail up and down, splashing some water on you as he laughed, "I'm sorry (y/n)!" he said as he laughed more, "Your fine." you said as you laughed with him. "Nobody ever comes here, it is way too deep in the forest, I'm suprised you found it." he said as he looked looked at the grass for a minute then back up at you, "I always walking into the forest to clear my mind, one day I walked to far and found this place!" You said as you looked around smiling slightly, he laughed as he sighed, staring deep into your eyes.

After few hours of talking he grew very attached to you and you grew very attached to him also, you were laying on your back on the grass with (Crush Name), you rolled up your pant legs and took off your shoes to put your legs in the water, his tail is still in the water as he made soft splashes here and there.  He turned his head towards yours, smiling as you turned your head towards him. You were staring deep into his eye for a while before he finally spoke, "Lets be friends." He said as you nodded, agreeing as he smiled even more,"I never been this happy before!" He yelled as you burst into laughter soon he did the same. You both stared back up in the sky, watching the clouds as you felt your life got so much better.

(When he asked you out)

You been visiting (Crush Name) everyday ever since you met him, its been a few months and once again you were sitting in your spot watching and waiting for (Crush Name) to come to you. Your heart was beating quickly, you grew deep feelings for him, not realizing he felt the same way with you. Soon you see him swimming towards you, you grew excited as you saw him and you smiled widely as he swam to the surface, "Peek a boo!" he said as he laughed, "How are you doing?" He said as he rested his body on the grass. "I'm doing pretty good, how about you?" He turned his head towards you, "I'm doing pretty good also (y/n)." He smiled as he sighed deeply, staring into your eyes. "(y/n).." He said softly, "I been meaning to ask you something.." He turned his body towards you and stare deeply into your eyes, taking a deep breath.

 "I like you, I like you alot (y/n) love you." he said as he looked away, you blushed deeply as you made a soft grin, "(Crush Name).. I liked you too.." You muttered as he looked back at you, "Really?" he said, you nodded as he grinned widely, "Do you...wanna..." he breathed "Will you be mine?" He said quietly, he was actually trying to ask you out. You nodded in agreement as he hugged you tightly, "Thank you! Thank you so much!" He said as he hugged you tightly, "(y/n) I wanted to do this." He firmly pressed his lips against yours, his lips were warm and the kiss felt amazing. After awhile he pulled back and stared at you, "(y/n)...Follow me)" he said as he lifted himself up and went into the ocean, diving into the ocean as he popped his head up to stare at you. You got up and stared at the water, slowly walking towards it as you took off your shoes and socks, you gulped as you looked at the ocean.

 You stared at (Crush Name) as he suddenly in one move he pulled you in the deep ocean, he kept pulling you and soon you were in the bottom of the ocean. You grabbed your neck and hold your breath as he placed his hands on each side of your cheek, soon pulling you into a deep kiss. Soon you felt something, your neck grew warm as small gills form on your neck, 3 on each side as you stared at (Crush Name). He pulled back as you gasp, you were breathing, breathing in water. "H-How?" you said, "I love you, and this shows I truly love you, by making you breathe underwater and making you mine." He said as he pulled you to him for a deep kiss and soon wrapping his arms around you for a tight hug. "I promise to make you mine, and to protect you forever!~" He said as he hugged tighter, "I love you (y/n)" he said as you hugged back, "I love you too (Crush Name)." You felt your life finally blossom, your life finally complete and you finally happy and it's all thanks to (Crush Name).

(There you go!!! I actually kinda liked this chapter tbh X3 I tried my best on it and I hoped you all really liked it, this chapter is from an request so I would like to thank you for this request! Next will be smut then Vampire!!! I will see you all next week or weekend!)
(Also Happy Thanksgiving Eve! lol)

(Question of the week: What are you going to eat on Thanksgiving?)

Male Beasts/Monsters x Fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now