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"James James! Get your ass over here!" Tris shouted from outside.

I quickly let go of Bella and ran back through the house to the front door.
As I reached Tris I noticed he was smiling manically and I started to get worried...

"So I heard the news...!" He blurted out, thrusting a heavy cardboard box into my hands.

"Umm what news?" I jitters shocked at how quickly word got around..

"Your baby news!" He laughed. "Everybody knows, even Bob from round the corner... I just told him on the way up here."

"Woah woah calm down. Wait! Who's Bob?"

"Oh just one of your neighbours." He leaned back looking up the street and waved at an elderly man stood in his garden.

"OI BOB WE STILL ON FOR SUNDAY AT THE BOWLING GREEN?!" he shouted towards the figure, receiving a thumbs up, before turning back to me.

"What I don't. I don't understand, who told you?"

As if on cue Bella emerged from the house and wrapped her arms round my waist.

"I told them." She breathed, smiling up at me.

"But Bel... We were supposed to be telling them know..nearer the time." I hinted huffing at her.

"Sorry I just couldn't contain my excitement! And don't worry I only told Tris and Connor."

"Ummm hun.. that's half the band.." She slapped her forehead and sighed as I pointed this out.

Both her and Tris started giggling before she noticed the cardboard box and suddenly let out an piercing squeal.

"Oh my god oh my god oh my god! Oi come inside already I wanna see this!" She jogged back into the house followed by Tris whilst I stood on the lawn and got out my phone.

I had 2 missed calls, both from my management team...

I just find out 'EVERYBODY' knows about Bella expecting and now I'm wanted by management..

This can never be good.


Ok I haven't updated in literally forever and I feel so bad because you guys have probably tuned out and I found out I've lost about 700 readers due to my late entries so I am very very very sorry guys :(

But I am also VERY VERY VERY grateful to you guys who have stuck by my book ly lots and lots honestly xx

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