Floury mess

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It's been AGES since I update so I shall go over the last bit from the chapter:


As Bella nipped to the loo he grabbed my hand from across the table and started massaging it, as Brad had done.

"Liv I need to ask you something...firstly can I come yours for a bit tonight so we can talk?" He smiled and I felt myself melt yet again.

"Yeah sure come anytime."

Bella returned and he hastily dropped my hand.

"Trust me....i will." he whispered.



It's now 7 o'clock and Danny still hasn't spontaneously showed up.

He's like that though.

He just goes with the flow, never planning and never sticking to schedule.

At Costa nothing interesting really happened, we just talked before I excused myself.

I went home, I didn't feel comfortable interrupting their time together.

They haven't seen each other in 2 years! I mean they must want to catch up alone, do sibling things (whatever that means).

Once I reached my house I did my hair- a fishtail plait over the shoulder- and changed outfits which took me ages because I had a panic about what to wear.

It's like I lost the ability to look good in anything I tried on...

Brad texted me before to confirm our date tomorrow and I admit I was very excited.

I started to go back through all the texts he had send, as I didnt know when Dan would show up, and smiled at them, Brad is so cute.

*knock knock*

I jumped as the door went before getting up to answer it.

"Hey liv." He smiled looking down at the floor.

"Hey dan. come in." I let him past following him into the lounge.

"So you wanted to talk?" I shrugged.

"Yes actually about lots of things." he mumbled.

He got up and grabbed a nearly full bottle of vodka from the shelf, necking down half then handing me it.

"No thanks." I shook my head holding the bottle away from me.

How did that bottle even get on my shelf?

"What are you scared? Is Liv scared of a little alchi holy?" he sniggered and, feeling pressured, I took the rest of the harsh vodka and drank it.

"What do you want to talk about?" I asked, my head pounding.

"Just soo...how are you?"

We started to talk and I relaxed, feeling more comfortable talking to the guy I once used to practically fangirl over.

But now I have my 'boyfriend' who I swoon, like the many other fan girls, over.



Dan placed a hand in his pocket and pulled out a small bag full of a white powdery substance.

"Did you bring flour? Are we making a cake?" I giggled, feeling very tipsy.

He just laughed deeply and grabbed some money.

"Dan Dan I want to join what are you making?" I jumped up like a child excitedly.

He was organising the flour into a neat pile, I've never seen this game before...

"Are you already high?" Dan laughed before sniffing up what I now knew not to be flour.... or any other baking ingredient.

"What no... I don't think so." I puzzled trying to remember my night.

"Join me?" he asked, more like demanded.

"I dont... i mean I've never done it."

"Don't be a baby." he groaned and I knew I probably sounded really childish.

Just as I picked up the rolled up £20 there was a loud banging on the door.



"SHIT." Dan muttered grabbed his coke and running into the kitchen.

"Where's your meat kept?" he shouted frantically.

"I don't have any!" I started to panic, crying my eyes out.

I looked back into the kitchen and saw 2 more policemen at the back door.

They grabbed Dan but he was resisting arrest, pushing the officers off of him.

The sound of wood smashing made me spin round and I saw the continuous head of a hammer coming through the now decent gap in the door.

That's all I remember then I blacked out.



"Excuse me?" The female voice rung in my ears as I yawned.

Who phones at this time?! It's 2am.

"Are you Brad Simpson?"

"Yes this is he." I was getting anxious.

"I think you may want to come down to the police station... we have your girlfriend here." the woman said.

"My..my girlfriend?"

The only person who would label me as that would possibly be Liv.

I smiled to myself, Liv considers us an item!

Wait...what's she doing in prison?

Oh fuck.

Vote if you liked this (I never get any votes really haha, I'm like a voteless loner 😙) xxxx

Thank you for the support! this was a crazy chapter and I apologise if anything offended you and stuff! xxxxx

Love you lots and lots and lots <3

Comment me!

Hope you enjoyed it

Love Becca xxx 😃

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