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Heya, had serious school work to finish so you know I'm a little behind xx still ly all 💃💃

P.s only people who know me will get this but 180 DAYS!!!!!!!


We were just talking.

Tilly hugged me suddenly, I don't know why but it happened, i liked it.

I breathed in her lemon scented hair and sighed.

She must like me.

Before, picking her up and waiting with her for the others, she was giving off a just friends vibe.

Now, with this hug lasting as long as it was I could finally imagine her liking me.

She let go of me and turned around, squealing she ran over to Bella.

They must all be here,... way to ruin a moment or what.

Just then I noticed her.

She was wearing a cute pink dress that was short and showed off her figure, her hair her makeup, it all looked perfect.

She was perfect.

And I thought I was over her.

Now though, looking at her, feeling the same butterflies racing around my stomach, I knew my feelings.

She stared at me emotionless then looked away talking to Connor.

They were close together.

He grabbed her hand, she giggled.

They aren't..

They weren't...

They couldn't be...

Liv was on a date with Connor..?


I knew he had noticed us.

I know this is wrong.

I admit I liked Liv but not in that way.

I was doing this to show Brad he chose the wrong girl.

I didn't like Tilly.

I'd met her before and the way she treated me showed she looked down on everyone else, she thinks she's better than us.

I decided to ask Liv out when I heard Brad chatting about meeting Tilly and 'falling in love'.

I thought him seeing her with another dude would make him realise his true feelings.

'Cause I'm that good of a mate!

It was working, he was glaring at me, like id taken the best piece of chicken from the plate... (the leg)....which I usually do.

We all reached each other and stood in a circle, the awkwardness you could cut with a knife.

Brad coughed and shook his head violently to the right, signalling me to follow him.

I knew what was coming.

As I walked towards him, I turned back to look at the group, only to notice Tilly grab Liv arm aggressively.

Yet a sweet smile still on her face.

This was going to be a long day...


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