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We sat there for a while, silence enveloped us.

It wasn't awkward though, it was nice, we were both given time to think.

I didn't regret what I said, I meant every word.

When Tristan had sent me off to find Liv, in a panic I ran into Bella.

She talked me through what to say.

I needed to keep it simple.

I asked for Liv's favourite quote and as soon as she told me I knew it.

It was mine too.

I grew up with that saying and it made me fuzzy inside knowing Liv loved it too.

I had found her sat on the sand, the waves soaking her feet, my heart lurched at seeing her again.

I coughed and moved closer, I had to recite the quote now.

It was the only way I may get her to talk to me, to listen to me.....

To be with me.

As I was finishing my kind of sonnet , I heard her whispering the last lines to herself along with me.

Tears running down her cheeks, I did the only thing I could.., wipe them away.


"Brad! Honey, you're going to be late. You said you would meet Jenny at 12:30! It's 12:10 now, you have 20 minutes to get out and run 30 blocks. You will never make it." My mum shouted up the stairs.

I hopped down them, 2 steps at a time whilst still trying to yank my shoe over my foot.

"Can't you drive me?" I pleaded.

"No Bradley! I am busy all day I'm not dropping my work for you to go see your girlfriend." she huffed, carrying the laundry basket into the living room.

"But mum..."

She cut me off once again.

"No buts! I don't know why you are this late, shouldn't you have organised meeting her better?"

"I didn't. She texted me this morning saying she needed to meet me ASAP." I said rather excitedly.

We hadn't seen each other for weeks, I was getting withdrawal.

I rushed out of the house, by now I had 10 minutes to run a 20 minute walk.

Oh shit.

I had run at least 12 blocks when I felt my phone buzz in my pocket, I took it out and saw the time : 12:33.

I had a message from Jenny.

I thought it was going to
Be her asking me where I was but... No.

1 Message from Jenny

Hi Brad, I was waitin 4 u to get here to say this but I can't go on any longer. I'm not sitting here for u to show up and me hav to watch u cry. So the fact is I'm breaking up with u sorry.
U couldn't give me things other guys can.

Jenny xx

I froze unable to move my fingers, my phone fell to the floor and the screen smashed on the hard concrete below.

With blurry eyes I slouched down onto the floor against the wall of a tall office building.

I angrily wiped my tears away but more threatened to flow.

I had lost the most important person in my life...

By text.

I had
sat there for a while before I saw my mum come rushing down the street towards me, her face red from exhaustion.

"Bradley, what are you doing here." she cried. "You can't sit on a pavement in the middle of town sobbing!" Her tone softened slightly.

"How.. did you know.." I mumbled.

"John called, he can see you from his office."

"Oh. Great."

Honey, your phone..." she went to pick it up and inspected the damage.

I knew she'd seen the message but she never let on that she had, never made me talk about it, or explain.

I loved her for that.

She came and sat next to me and drew me in for a hug.

"Things in life are never easy baby but you just have to pick yourself up and start again." she whispered to me, kissing me on the head.

Looking at me she smiled softly.

"You aren't the only one hurting right now chuck. Ok? You are never alone."

And with that she wiped away my tears with her thumb and I knew then, I wasn't.

I was never alone.

*End of flashback*


And that's how I knew the best thing I could do for Liv right then was to wipe her tears away.

And show her that somebody cares.


And that's the chapter done people xx so sorry that was just an insight into Brads life before The Vamps really xx

Well hope you liked it

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